Does any Alliance player feel cheated by the ARs?

I know you’re speaking to Maizou, but I’m going to jump in anyways.

I think every race should have the full range and scope of customization options possibly. I think the number of variants is immaterial. Void Elves and High Elves are two looks on the Alliance. Comparitively, the Horde can easily have Blood Elves, Dark Rangers/San’layn, and Felblood Elves.

I wouldn’t find it, “unfair,” that the Horde’s Thalassian elves have three unique appearances compared to our two. Keeping tabs like that seems silly. Giving players as many options as possible is my goal.


I don’t think its fair to BE fans who got a lackluster pass to also lose the ability to retain their own visual uniqueness.

VE fans biggest complaint is they didn’t get additional void options which sucks but at least they retain their original visual uniqueness.

Blizzard dedicating more time to VEs isn’t really cool. But sure if they add story to VEs and we can have a valid avenue to ask for them to restore BE visual uniqueness by removing the HE options on VEs then I guess thats fine.

Well, they seem to be going in clumps, so I imagine Dark Iron will get updated when Mag’har do.

Void elves did have a pretty disappointing update compared to LFD, Highmountain and Nightborn. And now their options look pretty paltry in comparison.

…anyway, I want Forest Trolls since we didn’t get a green skin or three for them. And ogres. And for Alliance side, I’m salty that Wildhammer weren’t an allied race, or Broken. I would love to see customization options for the latter, and more for the former.

I really want a HUGE tauren/Zandalari sized race on Blueside. (Might have been fun if Lightforged were larger than regular draenei if we were confined to extant races). I don’t particularly want Vyrkul personally… because I think they’re a bit dull. No hate on people who want the Large Vikings, though.


Well considering you’re an extension of the group whose eaten the most slices of cake while trying to advise the rest of us that keeping tabs is silly we should focus on sharing what’s left I suppose you wouldn’t like that people are keeping track that you A) retain your own visual uniqueness B) jumped the line with core races C) infringed on BE visual uniqueness again and again while BE fans got a lack luster pass and D) kinda screwed VE fans over from their void options

So yes I am keeping track and hand waving the “BEs can get 1000 more themes” while knowing full well that we neither have those options and blizzard probably isn’t going to give them as you continue to vie for the last of what ever time they do dedicate to customizations is in poor taste to me.

Please have ogres.

I still find this weird cause Ion said in an interview in bfa that the devs believed if they add wildhammer it’d be as an allied race and not customization options as they’re too different, then they added them as customization like a year later lol.

We were robbed of Wildhammer Druids :frowning:


Here is where your analogy falls apart.

Customizations are not finite. There is no limit to them. More can always be added. You’re acting as if there is and only ever will be a single cake.


I want ogres…

On Horde!

I have one of every race at 50+, so I’d probably play an ogre regardless. But I would be delighted to play, say, a huge broken lady with a gnarly face as a monk.

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Then where are worgen tails, an actual BE customization pass that is unique options fans asked for not just the same standard 3 hair style and diversity additions they added to all human skin toned races.

The fact of the matter is so far VEs have not been left out of a pass the core race additions included, so they feel a lot more finite to others then maybe HE fans who have got in every pass.

As someone with… at least marginal interests in High Elves, I demand the dance studio.

why are my demands not being met

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Gotta wait for the next cake to be baked before you can eat it, my friend. Although that’s where my analogy falls apart… batter is good, in small doses at least.

Pass 1: Copied Skin Tones, and some eye colors, but everyone got new eye colors.
Pass 2: Copied Hair Colors and Ear Length Options. Toggle to remove tentacles from hair.

Not being left out of a pass does not mean the crumbs off of your plate are equal to the slices others are getting.

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The Void Elves didn’t get an update. You would have seen this if you paid attention to the heritage weapons: The NB got theirs released with the update, the Void Elves don’t.

And the HMT don’t have Heritage Weapons. The Void Elf update will come in the future.


So you achieved the impactful goal of a second visual theme one that you wanted might we add, while infringing on BE visual uniqueness while BE fans got to lose visual uniqueness and got a lack luster pass.


My Blood Elves in Second Life look better.

I’m pretty close to being able to make WoW tier sets in that game and it has custom animation overrides including the ability to have all the dances you want.

And glasses. And tattoos. And scars. And more facial hair styles, skin tones, and even dreads and afros.

I’d say Blizzard should let us have a tool to animate or load mocap stuff onto the models for dances.

But the TTP / TTS would be low without someone approving the animations manually.

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Close to achieving the goal. Not entirely there, but close.

Again, you’re barking up the wrong tree. Heck, I was even on the, ‘Just use Kul Tiran hair colors and textures so we’re not actually copy/pasting from Blood Elves,’ group when it came to asking for natural hair colors.

Talk to Blizzard, my friend. They’re the ones you have an issue with.

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Pass 1 was for core races.

A goal that can only be achieved by completely infringing on BEs, all while BE fans get niceties claiming we can get so many themes too only the difference is where are they

Regardless of your stance on The Great Elf War, void elves are currently in pretty rough shape, customization-wise (and PARTICULARLY unique customizations) compared to the other 3 Legion races.

…I didn’t get my ebony LFD skin, either.

Though honestly, I like customizations and I’m always going to want more. Different looks make me happy, and that applies to my goblins and my void elves and my tauren equally.

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Core races and VEs it seems.

When asked about BEs/core races during the AR pass though Linxy responded and said that was just for ARs apparently thats when they started drawing the line