It’s not like you just linked an image of customization options BEs should get as per the fact they are the continuation of the HE story and a few portal keepers on the opposing faction don’t make a playable race.
Honestly they look more like humans, even though they use the Night Elf bodies, which is kinda weird…
Funny, I never heard any Blood Elf fans asking for dark skin tones, ear length options, etc… until after High Elf fans asked for it.
If you want to go after someone for Blizzard’s choices, go after Blizzard. We never wanted a copy/paste of Blood Elves, and we liked the idea of adding half-elf customizations into High Elves through dark skin tones and ear length options. We’re certainly not the ones that made Blizzard add and keep using High Elves in Alliance content expansion after expansion, to the point they had more relevance and distinction than some of the Alliance’s actually playable races.
we don’t. Most of the alliance races are homely without even the grace of “so ugly its cute”. they are mostly bland bland bland humanoids. the drani and mechgnomes , pandas and void elves have the most variety and three of those are still human types, if with bad knees and hooves for one and 10milliongolds worth of prosthetics on the other.
I’d argue that what is beautiful/handsome/cute/sexy/appealing differs from one person to the next. I know quite a few people that think the Sylvar from Ardenweald look amazing (and I don’t entirely disagree with them), but personally I like the Vorkai much better and think they also look a lot better.
I don’t remember that at all to be honest, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it were true either. If it was the start of WoD or so, I took a break and didn’t pick the game back up until the tail end of it.
I just never saw it as a big request until people were asking for High Elves and Half-Elf options with them.
They were never shown to. Lorewise, half-elves having a dark skinned human parent (which we have seen) makes sense.
I think the only time a dark-skinned High Elf was brought up was in… Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects. I want to say it was Kalec (the red dragon) that had a High Elf apprentice that was described as having dark skin tones.
Blizzard has since stated they have always seen their world as diverse.
That aside even prior to that statement I think the idea of believing BEs weren’t diverse under the pretext of “muh lore” is not a good thing
Half Elves as a concept for an AR work better than High Elves because they are their own story that could have been told that still plays on the HE narrative that is Horde now without infringing on it. But trying to keep diversity for them alone is not the vibe
Yes, they just never had that reflected in the world itself until they desperately needed the good will from virtue signaling.
Nor do I, honestly. It’s a pretty pathetic excuse to make to try and deny expanded customization. That said, we as players cannot assume dark skinned elves are canon until we are given evidence they are. Again, Blizzard failed to give us that evidence until they stood to profit from the virtue signaling. Working under the assumption, therefor, that they were not canon, attempting to justify their inclusion through the lore is a perfectly valid method to go about making the request.
It certainly would’ve been a WHOLE lot easier to justify a different model that way, certainly. Heck, Blizzard could’ve as easily updated the vast majority of High Elf NPCs in the game to the new Half-Elf models and simply stated, “They were always half-elves. Like Arator, we used the full Thalassian model since we lacked a unique one for half-elves.”
The idea of the Silver Covenant being 99% Half-Elves sits with me a lot better than them being almost all High Elves. Dalaran, having been a large mixed community of humans and high elves, likely has the most sizable population of half-elves anywhere, and it doesn’t take a massive dump all over pre-existing lore about High Elves being super rare.
My timeline might be off. It started with a comic on the topic of Lob’s priest Leon who had dark skin for quite a while or something losing an arm in the Siege of Org and some chuds whining about dark skin. I remember the disappointment when Bliz didn’t listen.
Yeah, Blizzard doesn’t listen. Like I said to Lann, they didn’t bother expanding on diversity until they stood to gain good will from the virtue signaling.
This is the first time I’ve heard of that comic, so I’m afraid not. I am grateful to know of it. Pity they didn’t keep up with the request; maybe the skin tones could’ve been added alongside the gold eyes.