Does any Alliance player feel cheated by the ARs?

People need to stop calling them Mechagnomes, they aren’t. They are junker gnomes, just like they were initially called in Mechagon. Blizz decided to use the Mechagnome name as an insult to real Mechagnomes like the ones we encountered in Northrend.

“Mechagnomes (previously referred to as junker gnomes by Blizzard” a quote directly from wowpedia.


The whole allied race thing, not just for the Alliance but also for the Horde despite the Vulpera, was just a lazy dodge to adding real new races with their own starting zone, city, ect.

They’re still crap. No one asked for garbage Gnomes or Light-vomit Draenei. It’s because of this racist mentality that we can’t get anything intriguing or interesting because it ‘has to look human’.


Seriously. The fact they forced Vulpera on us shows they absolutely hate the Horde by infecting us with the type of players attracted to that race :wink:

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I’m fine with them.


Got Void Elves.

Because got Void Elves instead of High Elves.

Misrepresenting the situation does not change the facts. Void Elves can get all the High Elf customizations Bliizzard can throw at them but until the character is labelled a High Elf and referred to one in-game, they are not High Elves.


You mean realm orc nice nice history. Green orc dont appeal to me. But I love the story of orcs clans in WoD. I wish it wasnt cut short

The reason why. Is probably cause most server are Horde. And well it add more playerbase leaving the alliance alone.

Alliance got cheated at first because their AR required dungeons, even mythic only which eventually got turned to heroic dungeons.

Horde never required dungeons.


All the other Legion races got a plethora of new customizations unique to them.

Void elves got a bare handful of new things that are copy paste from blood elves (except for one eyecolor) and are consequently currently the Legion allied race in the worst shape, especially when it comes to unique assets. They also continue very light on actual story.


I think the truly unfair part of allied races for Alliance is the fact that in BfA the Alliance allied races were much harder to get than the Horde ones. No doubt this was a factor in the continuing loss in population to Alliance.


This was a real kick in the teeth when I started unlocking Alliance allied races compared to the Horde ones. Was like wait, I didn’t have to do dungeons on Horde. Glad Blizz removed it eventually. But still, the other thing is, Horde seem to get mostly what they asked for. Alliance on the other hand, well we kind of got what we asked for but always with a twist that usually caused it to miss the mark.


I do love the void elves. I was happy they didn’t give us boring high elves… but then… they got spoiled by giving in to the high elf fans. :frowning: I sincerely hope they will add more void in the next customisation rounds.

There were way more Horde asking for Dark Iron Dwarves than there were for Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren, or Vulpera.

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Really? I love having a Panda priest. It’s one of my favorites to play.

I made a Red Panda DK as soon as those were available but I haven’t had time to level it, but it was from to play that as well.

Technically speaking though, Pandas aren’t ARs, even the DK ones.

I do get the OP though, the Horde got better Orcs, Tauren, and Trolls, improved NELVES, and an entirely new “mini Worgen” race…

Alliance got large Humans (that are really only good as one class), glowy Draenei (nice, but a side-grade at best), purple BELVES (only made nice when you could make them NOT purple), Emo Dwarves (probably the best of the bunch because of FIRE BEARDS), and Erector set Gnomes, that are EXTREMELY short on customizable options (pun intended).

Dear Blizzard: Not all Borg Gnomes want to have “magic legs”. Some of them would like real legs, so transmogs don’t look half done.

They would be better if you could pick a single “Borg Upgrade” for them, rather than their entire bottom half being a Mechanostrider.


They have not the High Elves they have requested for. You, on the other hand, play exactly the race you wanted to play.


short nothing , they got cute and furry . I want cute and furry for the alliance , even if its a tribe of new vulpera found someplace horrid and needing a new home . Cute and fuzzy for the Alliance!!

Personally, I’d be open to getting Saberon for the Alliance. Doesn’t hit the cute box, but the Alliance has enough aesthetically pleasing races.

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And you’re speaking as if the fact that a copy of BEs was in fact not the goal I suppose.

While also ignoring the impact that has on Void Elves having an entirely second distinct theme visually that completely infringes in Blood Elves who combined with their own lack luster pass feel that twice as much.


Well, here’s, “the goal,” as was originally developed by the High Elf community.

Seems only Humans get to have different body-types as an excuse for an Allied Race.