I wouldn’t say I feel cheated, but Blizzard has certainly lost a lot of good will from me due to Allied Races.
The Horde received the Allied Races they requested as they were requested, handed to them on a silver platter, with a side of extra options. Horde asked for Mag’har? They didn’t just get brown-skinned Orcs, they got Orcs with the Blackrock molten skins, the different customizations from different clans, etc…
By contrast, the Alliance’s AR requests were monkey pawed. The only one that had actually been asked for was the Dark Irons, and even that request hadn’t been as popular as Wildhammer Dwarves had been.
Alliance Allied Races were a series of disappointments. Lightforged Draenei instead of Broken (or Krokuul from Argus which filled the same interest). Void Elves instead of High Elves. Dark Irons instead of Wildhammers (still our best out of five). Kul Tirans instead of Vykrul.
I would say Mechagnomes are so despised because they came at the tail-end of a long list of disappointments, and got paired with the Vulpera for the Horde. It was the wrong move to make. Blizzard would’ve been better off stating the Alliance AR wasn’t ready for 8.2.5 and would be added later, and then adding Mechagnome customizations to regular gnomes.
The addition of High Elf customizations to Void Elves is nice, but problematic in it’s own way. It’s been coming piecemeal, a single category with every wave of customizations, and people are jumping on this and saying, “OMG! STOP GIVING VOID ELVES SO MUCH WHEN OTHER RACES ARE LACKING!” They conveniently ignore the reality that Void Elves are getting copy/pasted pre-existing assets, low-effort additions that likely take no more than five minutes. Even then they’re a far cry from the High Elves people want.
And I could be okay with that, except Blizzard REFUSES to actually do any meaningful development for Void Elves as they are. In BFA, they existed to give the Horde a guilt-free option to kill Alliance (they’re not just traitors, but dangerous traitors). Whenever anything void related came up in BFA’s story, they were absent. They only existed on the Alliance to fight the Horde.
All they are is a group of mages who make purple portals instead of blue ones. That’s the ultimate power of the Void, apparently; purple portals. We could’ve seen them delving into the heads of captured Horde soldiers to pull out vital information (we got this in a book, why not in game?), we could’ve seen them wiring said soldiers to not remember their captivity and to be sleeper agents that try to kill their commanders or leaders on sight, or turned into living bombs of void energy waiting to go at just the right moment. We could’ve seen enemy soldiers broken down into mindless thralls by having their minds exposed to the eldritch power of the void, overwhelming them.
Purple portals. That’s all the Void Elves were. And despite that, our main portal mage in BFA was STILL a High Elf.
I take it back. I do feel cheated, by Void Elves, for two reasons. Blizzard didn’t develop them at all as a race, and if that was how it was going to be, they should’ve been High Elves, since they already had multiple expansions worth of development and didn’t need anymore.