Does any Alliance player feel cheated by the ARs?

You’re just saying your opinion here.

I meant that if they had chosen to pick sethrak for the alliance as planned, then they probably could have picked up the faithless and the story would have been different. Boom, Vulpera have an enemy on the alliance. Makes for great drama.

“Cries for alliance favoritism” is a problem I think you made up, lol. I don’t any serious dev thinks about such trivial things. I don’t mind alliance getting nice things. Most reasonable people want the game to be better over-all rather than being mad at team blue or team red.


Vulpera are furry goblins. They are about as “new” as KTs. In fact, KTs may be “newer” as I can’t think of what skeleton they used for them.

They may actually be an original, unique AR.


KT had a brand new skeletal rig created for them. No other allied race received this much work.


Low bar, innit?


I wondered about that. Wondered if they used the ogre skeleton for them but they do look unique.

What I’d like to know is why do some people, just some, like to incite this alliance victimhood by comparing the factions and what they get?
I just recently (and still am) leveling my alliance toons through BfA and I can tell you, alliance did very well in the zone quests. Boralus and all the stories there are some of the best I’ve experienced in the game and horde had good ones too but alliance really got a lot of attention there so there’s that to consider.
Idk, maybe that’s just my take but threads that compare the factions are mostly just dumb to me.

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If this is the case, and the Horde get Ogres, we’re back to Square One. You made a rig and pilot tested it on one of the most uninspired Alliance races, as a proving group to give Horde a race they’ve long asked for.


I am friendly with both factions.


Beside the vast quantity of transmog potential being unlocked, I could honestly say both factions were cheated equally.

Personally, I do not feel cheated since my character have a more fitting Voice.

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You’re also serving the True Dark Lady as her Champion.
That must really scratch an itch for you.

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I never felt cheated.

Just felt in general, that several allied races should have just been subraces, baked into the main races as extra customization.

I LIKE Lightforged, but rarely play one, even with extra stuff added in last patch, they feel too limited, to me.


Not really cheated, but it clearly could have been improved. The only unequal thing I personally feel is the last pair and by that, I don’t mean I dislike Mechagnomes, but rather that the vulpera is that good.

LFD- should just have been added as customization to regular draenei. If there had to be an AR broken with even some lost ones customization (like the mouths, for example, to showcase different levels in corruption) would have been amazing.

Void Elves- Need more lore, they came out of nowhere. I’m fine with them now after we got regular skin tones and being able to toggle the tentacles, but we need more void stuff.

DID- A pure win, no way around it, they beat it out of the park with this one. I think they should have just added them all to customization for dwarves though. With the fiery effect on the hair being a toggle like void elves have for the tentacles. Just imagine the amount of dwarf customization there could be if this was done.

KT- Need more customization, I like them and always loved the age of sail stuff so they fit right in my boat, but the lack of options is sad. A lot of effort went into making them playable due to the whole unique model thing, which is also why I can’t just say “roll them into the humans” since they’re not at all based on that model or rig.

Mechagnomes- Great, I wish we had even more robot customization like a metal stache or bolts coming out of the head as a hairstyle option. Also, we really should have gotten the two other tints of heritage armor to go with the limb colors.
Not to mention they should have been rolled into the main gnome race.

Over all I enjoy the races, but there’s often more to be desired in customization and I generally think that when possible and the model allows it that the AR race should have been rolled into the main race.

My take on Horde ARs for fun.

HMT- Good, should have been rolled into the tauren.

Nightborne- Now they’re great, the models left a lot to be desired before the fix.

MHG orcs- Good, should just have been rolled into the orcs.

Zandalari- Very good, they’re the Horde’s DID in my opinion. They really hit it out of the park. But, they should have been rolled into the troll race. I know this might seem controversial to some, but the zandalari model (yes even the male) is an edited troll one, you can port troll skin textures already and have it cause almost no problems at all. Which is why I think they should have been rolled into the main troll race and just had a posture option for hunched/unhunched. Imagine being able to make a hunched zandalari, or unhunched sand troll now with the new customizations. Or using the body paint etc. So many possibilities.

Vulpera- Peak of the AR medium. Taking an existing rig and turning it into something that feels new. Even if I don’t personally play vulpera I can’t deny it.

One, which was already set in place when 8.0 launched. That’s no reason.

Most people also complain about the “fat humans” which do not fit most transmogs until you have the heritage armor.

Because it’s good. It’s a very unique looking race despite using the Goblin-model.

They were a compromise race. They had the Silver Covenant elves and gave the Alliance something they did not want to have.

To even out the player field: Give the Alliance birds and snakes and gilgoblins and leaper gnomes in the same update.

Vulpera are just reskinned Goblin, they even have identical animations.

Sort of. Allied races are something I’d consider to be unique outside the originals.
Kul’tiran & Vulpera, primarily, are the most unique, with Zandalari and Nightborne with their own models/animations, but are essentially night elves and trolls at their core. All races that are the same exact thing as the originals with a coat of paint don’t really feel like they should be separate, imo. Customizations for gnomes/draenei/etc. would’ve worked just fine.

I personally feel like “allied races” were a weird and silly idea. They could’ve just been added to the roster without the name. Sort of implies they could break off and no longer be allied again.

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How you know?

If they were consistent with them and made them all just reskins and subgroups of current models/races, it would be one thing. But giving new completely new races and models to some and literally only sticking on antlers and giving yellow eyes to another is just bizarre. Because there is no consistent idea as to what the heck an allied race is versus a typical race, they should have never used a new term to begin with.

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I think Void Elves are awesome but their presence on the Alliance is rather odd since they were originally Horde. They wanted to give the blood elf model to the Alliance and this was the sloppy way to go, otherwise there is zero justification for the Void Elves on the Alliance. I see the Void Elves more of a neutral race/Horde race, I don’t think they would ever make such a big leap to join an opposing faction.


The modes in game, yes. But they were initially Alliance =P
They probably should’ve just taken more time to do unique models for high elves as people wanted for ages. Either way, I’m still obsessed with velves as a whole. Even if they don’t really have much going for them narratively atm.

The HMT look good now but they lack heritage weapons (which do not exist but for three weapons, with one being locked behind digging)

Allied Races are not the core races which the game/story started with. Worgen/Goblins/Pandaren are an expansion on this with Demon Hunters being a class expansion.