Does any Alliance player feel cheated by the ARs?

Archology has heritage weapons?

Just one HMT weapon, my mistake. But this is the closest you will get for a HMT as a weapon.
A heirloom spear which belongs to the HMT.

the only AR I dont really like is mechagnomes. And even they arent really that bad. Just cant find decent mogs for them

Only by the incredibly poor design of the Kul Tirans.

Playable Kul Tirans are all fat but even the NPCs in Kul Tiras are just muscular or taller humans.

Also spare us the “AR not the core races that the game started with.” Some of them are. Kul Tirans have been in the story since WC2. “Void” Elves, which should just be High Elves, and Blood Elves, which are also still High Elves, have been in the game since WC2.

All three of them as well as Goblins should have been in WoW on day 1 and the only reason they weren’t is because money. You can’t charge people to beta test a game for 18 years or sell 8 expansions if you don’t intentionally leave things out.

With Allied Races I imagine they knew they would get more playtime out of people by having them do all this repuation and quest stuff to unlock a race. Personally do I like having to do stuff to unlock a race for a game? No. Look at Kul Tirans. Hardly any customization options. Half done. You know what you went through to unlock them too.

Nope. Mechagnomes are kind of op compared to most of the horde AR or existing races.


Um, lol, no.

The Quel’dorei were always alliance. The Sin’dorei were alliance as well. The only reason the Sin’dorei “went Horde” is because Blizzard arbitrarily decided it, though there was precedent from Garithos turning on them during the Third War.

That’s one way to look at it.

But for people who actually play the game, there isn’t anything you “have to” do. By the time each allied race was implemented, everybody I know already met all the requirements to unlock every single one of them. You still go through the story quest, but that’s fine. (Although the Highmountain one is unnecessarily long.)

So if Blizzard did it to get people to actually play the game who otherwise do not… good. I’m all for that.


  1. Roll a female Goblin.
  2. Log on, watch the idle animations. (Note the weird foot smashing the ground as if she’s putting out a cigarette. Apparently, there’s no fine for littering on Azeroth.)
  3. Roll a female Vulpera.
  4. Log on, see above.

You’re welcome.

Heck I feel cheated by the TZ’s

Am I alone in finding the Night Elf graphics underwhelming? When I owned a NE Druid (female) I could never get her to look right; it’s like she had a permanent scowl. And she certainly didn’t match the graphical modeling of Sylvanas.

With that in mind, would fixing this help?

I personally don’t just because I don’t really have an interest in AR’s to begin with

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I dunno, I think the vines are really nice. I just don’t like how night elves look in particular but they’re executed well.

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To be fair, Mecha-gnomes in Heritage Armor are 10/10. Especially warriors, Hunters with rifles.

Lightforged heritage is also 10/10. Really awesome in warriors, paladins, disc/holy priests.
About hunters… im not sure if they finally got some kind of lightforged bow, remember all the weapons infused with light from Argus? Only bow was missing.

KTs. I really liked the seapriests from Stormsong, to bad we didn’t get the skinny model.
So anyway, i just did a regular human mage, then i will farm Lord Stormsong transmog from the dungeon.
Would be awesome to have some glyph fo change our water elemental to have that “Cthulu face” like the first boss of Shrine of the storms.
Regular human shadowpriest also works fine.

Void Elves got a nice heritage and they’re awesome shadowpriests… but that’s it.

Dark irons are 10/10 too.

Yes because I always wanted the Jinyu/Ankoan on the Alliance before any other Allied Race. These dudes have been helping the Alliance since MoP and they have not even been invited into the faction yet. How sad.

It is not. You don’t have a proper colorized weapon for the armor, the mount has not been swapped to the right color and the heritage armor has been also swapped color-wise.

it’s a disaster.

There is also the Survival Hunter Artifact weapon from Legion, Talonclaw. Which is in lore a highmountain spear blessed by the wild gods of Highmountain


Oh, I did not know this. Thanks for posting this, I will check this out now.

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There’s a Lady Gaga character?! Be still, my beating heart!

I think they’re saying that they play base races only…