Does a computer setup make a difference in gaming performance?

Unless you are in the top 1%, probably not in most regards. It will make you better in that you will not get dc’d as often or lag out as much. Other than that, it’s more your ISP and connection and proximity to servers that says how could you are… that and knowing people in high places at Blizzard.

English is not everyone’s first language. It’s mine and I still butcher it most of the time.

if you understand at least what the user is attempting to get across, it’s far more civil to at least engage in the conversation as intended.

That said: That sentence definitely made the good old brain tickle.


I dont think it’s necessary but having more than 5fps definitely helps. With how fast pace alot of m+ encounters are it’s nice to be able to see the ability coming and enough time to move out of it

Lol!!! Omg, you’re so correct!! Geez…

I built my PC around 10 years ago when the i7 first came out. Over the years I got a new mobo from Newegg and stole an 8th gen i7 from work to upgrade it. Still using a 1060ti because crypto caused GPU prices to skyrocket shortly after and I ain’t paying $1,000 for a video card even if I can afford to. I don’t have any lag at all on high settings. I have xfinity cable internet.

I’d like to upgrade, but I just bought another house in June so I’d rather keep dumping money in to that.

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Thanks. I think I was trying to compress too many ideas in my head, that I partially didn’t understand, into one Topic question.

I just went researching for a curved monitor. I’m not into getting top speed myself. The info I kept reading lead me to believe if you have all these top components, each shaving seconds plus a great picture you have an edge.

Personally I just need to work on getting better period. No set up will fix that for me.

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as a rule of thumb i replace my computer every 5 years.

Yes it can make a difference but not at any level that matters (assuming you replace it with new tech).

I’ve recently built my new box and put a 6700xt in it. Can run the game at 144hz and it feels incredibly fun.

Definitely feel the difference.

That’s not at all how this works btw. You aren’t shaving anything from anything. All you’re maybe getting is more clear images, looking better, with more information getting to your eyes a little bit faster. Gaming on a 24 inch - 32 inch monitor at 1440p 144hz will look MOSTLY the same between screens except for color variances. It’s not going to give you a competitive advantage in WoW, not even in PvP. Maybe in FPS games, 240hz and higher can do that, but not here.

All I know is, I appreciate the fact I can play WoW on a potato but far enjoy it more on a PC and monitor that can display the graphics at max with ease. WoW may not have cutting edge graphics but I’ve never not loved the visuals.

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I play on a gaming laptop while laying in bed with a mouse with only two buttons. It’s fine. Wow isn’t complicated

i play on caveman wall paintings.

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Actually none of you win, I play on the same TI-86 Calculator that I used to fail math class in middle school.

Check mate, bucko!

You want hardware adequate to render the number of frames per second your display can output. If you’re using 1080p 60hz display, you can probably get the job done with a GTX 1060 and some random 4+ core CPU from the last 8 years. If you have 1440p 144hz, need something more like current gen $400 GPU and fairly recent CPU like Ryzen 5000 or Intel 12th gen. $100 Amazon display can get away with $300 Ebay PC. $400 premium display need $1000 premium PC.

The performance is going to depend on how much of an improvement you are looking at.

I went from 1fps in raids (and it would often freeze for seconds) to a computer capable of 120 fps and no higher than 20ms. This netted me over 30 percent more dps (went from sub 10 percent parses to being around 60 percent.) But more importantly allowed me to actually see several of the one shot mechanics that once killed me (this was last expansion and mechatorques beam was impossible to predict, I had to rely on others telling me to strife.)

More importantly though I was able to go from graphic settings of 1 to max and see the game in an entirely different way. I had never realized that there are fields of grass that actually sway in the wind or that the water looks so incredible. And going from a small screen to an ultrawide with a second monitor made it feel like my entire field of view was wow only (although I have found I miss more in chat now.)

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You two, stop what you’re doing and go play Portal 1 & 2. They’re amazing games. Mostly GLaDOS, but great puzzles too that make you feel stupid.


Oh yeah!!?!?!?

I play on a 38 year old Casio calculator watch!

And that was a big upgrade from what I used when I first started playing, a trusted old piece of the ENIAC.

/moo :cow: