Does a computer setup make a difference in gaming performance?

I’ve discovered that even those middling new ones shave time. Put enough components together, add internet speed and it makes a bigger difference for those high-end players.
Feels like there’s a big advantage despite how well you play. Edited Title: What’s your computer set up.

Is this conclusion true? Do Mythic +++ have an advantage with the crazy expensive better computer set up? It seems seconds can be shaved with the right everything!

I’m looking at monitors and it turns out that sometimes size of monitors with curves can be too big because their curve is less. 1800 curvature is perfect. And you definitely need to make sure you have the best graphic card. All this gets pricey. 144hz is good enough as well.

TLDR: More money spent on on computer components can make you a better player.

i play on a kindle


2x 1440p 27 inch monitors
GTX 2070 Super
Ryzen 7 3700X
Very cozy setup I’ve been rocking for 2 years. No reason to change for a while i think.

I play on a speak-n-spell over dialup


I play on a 9 year old laptop with a hit-and-miss screen connector issue in an arm chair. 10/10. Perfect for WoW. Sometimes half the screen turns black, but if I shake it hard enough the screen will fix itself.


My box is slowly approaching 10 and I am considering replacing it in the next year or two. Some preliminary research pointed out I my knowledge is woefully outdated.


wow benefits from a little bit more screen real estate, but its nothing you can’t do with some custom UI. everything else is good from a PC from 2012. I use a amd FX8350, gtx 960, and 8gb of ram and get 80-100 fps fine for everything. It’s not really a super precise shooter where refresh rate matters. 27 inch 1080p monitor works fine for me.

not like im not gonna upgrade soon tho

Oh yeah?

Oh yeah?!


So there! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


When I play, I play on an 2020 M1 Mac Mini.

Also have a 2016 Windows Desktop but haven’t been using it much lately. Thinking about buying a new PC but… don’t want to pay gaming PC component prices.

I don’t really care about becoming a better or competitive player.

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You win! The only boss I can beat on that is the stairs.


Windows ME
Intel Integrated Graphic
2 64mb ram bars
No sound
128GB hard drive
No Mouse
Gateway 2000 keyboard
12’ CRT monitor

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Building a computer for WoW is a lot weirder than any other newer game you might play a lot.

You want to focus more on a 6-8-core max CPU and less on the 3080-3090 type cards.

If I was going to build one right now I would use a 12700k, but I like higher end stuff generally, an i5 12600k will give you 95% of that performance in WoW. You can get away with a 3060-3070 EASILY at those framerates and play on near-ultra on 1440p 27ish inch displays.

Memory is kinda bleh. If you can wait a few months I would get the new AMD AM5 platform and grit your teeth and buy DDR5. Or, you could get the 13th gen Intel parts coming in Sept or so and still have an option to go DDR4 now and some MBs will let you use both. So you could upgrade to DDR5 later when they suck less and aren’t as expensive.

Personally I hate curved screens, especially if you use it for movies or sports or TV shows, etc. I use two 27inch flat panels, 1440p gaming display on center and 1080p high quality normal display on my right.

But if you are building basically just for WoW, skip anything above 8 cores, it won’t be doing you any favors and it’s not as cost effective.

Example if you wanted to build one NOW:
16gb x 2 = 32gb RAM
750-850w gold rated semi mod-fully mod PSU
An AIRFLOW case. Get some mesh in the front, none of this fully glassed in nonsense.
Good set of extra fans.
Some nice RGBs and stuff.
1200-1400 bucks.

Yep, me too! It’s crazy out there in computer component land!!!:


Honestly, for WoW, not really, as long as you’re smooth enough to not miss GCDs / move effectively.

For a Shooter? Absolutely.

Thanks…kinda wondering on that score.

My connection used to consist of smoke signals, but that was murder in rainy weather…so I finally upgraded to Morse code on a pair of b-o-n-g-o* drums.

*< can you believe Blizzard wouldn’t allow that word? Yeesh…


I think that the faster you get information to your brain the better, but I don’t think it’ll make you an actual better player. I mean, playing on a 24+ inch display is going to make things a whole lot more visible than on a 17 inch laptop, say, but I would argue that turning DOWN unnecessary effects and battle text makes you a better, more focused player. Not really just cranking up everyone’s spells to max and seeing tons of crap all over the place.

haha took me a minute to figure out what the naughty word in there was

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I use potato hardware that runs on the GlAdOs software system…


WTH!? :laughing: That was great!!! :smile_cat:

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