That phase is also known as: BFA
Its going to be huge, if Blizzards ability to balance wasnt a running joke for past 15 years i might be more optimistic.
Will flow
certainly not like the tuning they are doing right now
You sound really confident, considering these numbers we see casually tossed around like " top 1%", “top 2%”, “only matters if you’re world first” have no source besides anonymous forum posters like you and Ralph. Even Blizzard has given us absolutely not indication that the dps ones will be perfectly balanced, let alone the utility ones, which cannot be numerically balanced.
Sorry if you’re so gullible that you think people who rely on numbers rather than the ravings of a forum troll are “paranoid”. It’s kind of like you jumping up and down, waving a banner that says, “We don’t need no stinking numbers! We’re that dumb, and so are you!”
Actually, the casual who chooses based on their feelings rather than doing research (as you anti-tryhard cabal keep telling them to do) are going to be way worse off for it. But hey. You’re really here to help devs get rid of casuals anyway.
I’m on the beta.
Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 ate 9. Boi you must have loved that one mr numbers king.
Reserving spot to reply to this nonsense later.
Why are you an “MVP” of this community when all you do is blame the community
It’s still alpha!
It’s still beta!
It’s still PTR!
What the heck now it’s live, why didn’t anyone say anything??
You are on a test realm where numbers are going to change.
He raids in some friends and family us 500th mythic guild and likes to talk like he knows what’s going on in the raiding scene.
Have you ever heard the phrase:
We can kill the boss 10 seconds faster with (X)?
(X) is the new meta thing…
That’s why
I preferred his version
Is this how you think? I don’t think that way, and I don’t know anybody who does.
But the fact is that you want me to be hurt by making a bad choice, and you want to blame “people” rather than the misinformation that you keep spreading.
Casuals will be hurt by this more than min maxers. Making the wrong decision based on feelings would mean I can’t both tank and do pvp. Or maybe neither. I will be less than optimal simply for being casual, and then the game is grinding me into the ground with your jackboots.
Just stating the facts.
This IS a community perception problem purely.
I don’t see how anyone could disagree with that.
If the whole game was a single player game, no one would be worried about these things.
No content in the game is tuned difficult for any of this to matter and you can see that insanely clearly in any PVE.
The first kill of Mythic Nzoth was killed with level 7 cloaks, and there are guilds like mine now who still can’t kill it even with max power gains.
Them having the right covenant is not going to change that, and I would not want to raid with anyone who even suggested such. That is just making an excuse for being mediocre and not healthy for any person to be doing.
Certainly not in a video game they are choosing to play.
I think I have a general idea of what each covenant offers for my class, but that’s not changing my choice. I’m going necrolord because it looks cool. I couldn’t care less about what does the most damage or what’s “the best”. I log on to play the game, not the little bars on dmg meters. OP seems to be like that too.
Enjoy yourselves, lads.
To sum this thread up. A person who clearly knows nothing of the topic he wrote about, is calling people, WHO ACTUALLY PLAYED THE ALPHA/BETA, whiners for expressing concerns about the system they tested.
Its the other way around.
If you are a casual you are not doing content difficult enough to be worried about Min/maxing.
So you can pick what you like and play the best you can with it.
You will have MANY other flaws already, so adding another one will not matter.
But if you can change covenants like talents, then it will be purely your fault for not doing so and it will lead to far more arguments and toxic scenarios.
Again, the clearest comparison is Classes and Talents.
Right now, Covenants are like Classes.
The community wants them to be talents instead.
If your class is bad, do you switch?
You are posting on a Guardian Druid, so this should resonate for you.
Did you feel like you were forced to abandon the class you wanted to play because you made a bad decision?
I hate the RPG argument so damn much. If I want to play an RPG I’ll go play Divinity or Witcher.
All this covenant restriction is doing is pulling the community apart, now even more with the specific dungeon buffs they are adding.
“looking for necrolords only to run theater of pain +10”…Yes I know that it wouldnt matter in a +10 but anyone that pugs knows the insane requirements on live for IO score. I can bet you it will be the same.
If im being honest though, the covenant restrictions aren’t bothering me as much as the AOE cap and the GCD. Now that’s unfun casual catering by Blizz.
So in your mind the game is unplayable if does is not perfectly balanced. You realize all diversity of abilities would have to be sacrificed to achieve that. If you want a game that doesn’t have different classes with different abilities, then go play an fps.