That’s simply not true. At the top level, players are already extremely good - the variance in DPS is mostly down to the class / covenant rather than player execution.
So “git gud” is a pointless statement.
That’s simply not true. At the top level, players are already extremely good - the variance in DPS is mostly down to the class / covenant rather than player execution.
So “git gud” is a pointless statement.
We could use azerite powers if you want as an example. Imagine if specific azerite powers were locked to specific choices. As an arms warrior one test of might equals literally a 3stack of any other azerite power. That’s how imbalanced systems like this have been in the past.
Like, it’s about a 30% difference between 3 test of mights on your armor vs any other choice. Probably about a 40% difference between top and bottom. It doesn’t matter how good you think you are, having a 40% power jump is massive.
So you want your class to carry you instead of your skills.
Very weird thread, dude.
They make up a lot of these tiny numbers to support their position, since they have no data.
These people focus their entire existence on damage meters. It’s no surprise to see them whine over that.
Kinda like you have no data to support such paranoia.
Why are people acting surprised that people care about their numbers in a video game that has dedicated thousands of hours of developer time into creating all these intricate ways to improve said numbers?
HOTS is that way —>
So if you consider optimal azerite powers/corruption/stat weights/essences/etc. The power leap between optimal and RP is the difference between literally being unable to clear content, or making it effortless.
In shadowlands the difference between properly stacking covenants, soulbinds, conduits, legendary power, etc. And the worst choices. Will be very absolutely dramatic.
If you care about numbers that much, then go to sesame street and chill with the count.
phhhh…go over the hunter forum and tell them you like to play Survival with the Butchery Talent LMAO.
There some real fit tossing for ya over little to nothing.
People caring about the damage they do, the healing they do, or the damage they can receive/mitigate is not at all new. People used to chase hours and hours of tedious things to do in Classic for literal single digit increases. If you don’t understand a lot of people enjoy numbers more than just mashing their buttons and not getting better, you haven’t been paying attention for the last 15 years.
Doesn’t mean everyone has to and no one is asking YOU to. Mind your own business lmao
gasp there may be differences and everything won’t be completely homogenized. Say it ain’t so.
I feel like 5 DPS is a very large understatement.
I am not sure where the number 5 comes from. Regardless, unless we are talking about 50 percent, then no it doesn’t matter as a fact of life for the video game.
Unless you are tackling content severely undergeared like Limit / Method, or pushing the highest keystones in the world, no PVE in the game is tuned enough to truly matter.
What players misunderstand about the situation is they think the game requires you to do everything in your power to be mathematically optimal (even when that math doesn’t directly apply to the content you are attempting.)
Its not the GAME that does that.
Its the community.
This whole situation is one made by players, and many of them are no where near as good as they think they are.
So much so that simple positioning or rotational error might make the difference between some of these picks.
These things are designed and balanced around having unique niches both in gameplay, story, and visually, and people just can’t accept that.
Its the same as trying to play a Shadow Priest in end game PVE.
They have osculated between being absurdly good in Raiding to strong to situational, but very often are looked at as a poor pick for M+ regardless of where they are in terms of tuning.
Mostly because of design.
If the player was this concerned with min/maxing they would have mages or hunters for M+ (and likely for raids too at this point) instead.
But every player makes some concessions to be suboptimal occasionally. Whether that’s to sit on resources for certain mechanics, or something as simple as playing a race you prefer visually.
Players are unable to admit that their own egos are the problem in this case, and do not trust Blizzard enough to create abilities that are unique enough to create defined but balanced niches, so they demand the game change instead of changing themselves.
Its a shame, but its caught on, so I see no further reason to resist it.
The game wont be better or worse in either situation for me, so I barely care.
But I was really excited that they were finally trying to get more RPG style decisions and impact for our characters in the game, and I was secretly happy that many players would finally feel like they COULD pick a covenant they WANT to play instead of what the irrelevant meta dictates.
Ironically, if they make it so the player power is independent, then the choice is gone. You will be pressured into using what is mathematically the most relevant and powerful to the situation always, instead of just playing the one you want and doing your best with it.
I would much rather be locked in to a covenant and make the best effort I can to maximize it instead of just feeling forced into switching to whatever is best.
But that’s me.
The guy who played Blood DK all expansion even when Prot Warrior and Brewmaster dominated.
I expected that was the situation that they were looking for out of covenants.
Instead, people just want flashy talents it seems.
Why can’t Blizzard balance it so it’s actually a miniscule gain lol?
No one considers WoW to be a particularly nerdy game. EVE, sure, but not WoW.
It’s a game fam. Only numbers there really are is ones and zeros.
Part of your numbers actually showing up on screen is playing the game.
And since when can’t numbers be associated with gaming?
You mean like the balancing they are doing right now?