I’m not entirely sure if I do this intentionally or subconsciously, it’s probably a side effect of overbearing OCD, but my characters are set up all in matching pairs with themes.
I have a night elf male druid and night elf female hunter, both nature themed.
I have a male worgen deathknight and female worgen rogue, both have a dark/ gothic theme going.
Female vulpera shaman and female vulpera warlock, kind of opposites, named oasis and mirage respectively. Oasis being something you want to see in a desert, and mirage something you don’t =p
And finally a male pandaren monk and female pandaren mage, though I haven’t really settled on a matching theme for them.
I also headcannon all of these pairs as siblings, makes my character list feel more tied together somehow.
Am I weird or do others do this kind of thing?
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I usually just name my characters weird s*** because I feel uncomfortable being someone I am not.
Same though. Names are all you need
You are both weird AND others do that kind of thing. I mean, that’s an RP thing… and you’re doing that in an rpg. It’s half expected really.
I don’t do themes, but I have very strong head canon for all my characters.
Ashnazg - night elf demon hunter - doesn’t remember anything from before his ordeal at the Black Temple with Illidan. During his recovery, he’d have fevered nightmares wherein he’d yell out about “a ring” or “the ring”. The fel orcs would call him “ash nazg” - “one ring” in the orcish tongue - and since he couldn’t remember his name it stuck. He has gone on to lead the Illidari as their Slayer, and takes his role very seriously.
Krueger - human death knight - was a sergeant of the guard at Stratholme when Arthas attacked. Because he fought valiantly against Arthas and his “knights”, Arthas later raised him as a death knight. After the defeat of the Legion he abdicated the role of Deathlord to one of the other death knights because he did not feel worthy of it. He is the quintessential soldier, who takes his duty very seriously.
And of course Derbert, here, took advantage of the problems with Gnomeregan, looting whatever he could to sell for coin. He became a highwayman, accosting travelers throughout Dun Morogh and the Wetlands - especially after the cataclysm when Menethil Harbor got perma-flooded - and thought he’d found his path to riches when the Alliance went to A.U. Draenor. Unfortunately, he got pulled (almost kicking and screaming) into fighting for the Alliance and has built up a little bit of a Han Solo-esque hero-for-hire reputation since then. He recently took upgrades at Mechagon because it seemed like a cool thing to do.
So no, it’s not just you.
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Simple mogs. I don’t like oversized, obfuscating gear/weapons.
I consider myself “RP lite” I’ve got a sorta story for every character. Take Blenderella… when I made her she had her normal clean arms/legs, no gear on mog and no head modifications. All she is wearing is the bandage chest piece. The idea was she’s just come off the initial modification table. When I hit 40 I got my head modification. When I hit 60 I changed to Rusty cause i haven’t been in for service. I’ll probably stay rusty and using patchwork mogs until I hit 110 when I’ll go in for a polish up after I get my heritage armor.
Not really. I liked Pop Team Epic and I wanted to run around smashing stuff as Popuko. Thats about it. Although I guess the bulkier and heavier looking the armor, the better.
That’s awesome. And I dig how you’re doing your mods based on your leveling and experience. Super fun.
That actually makes mechagnomes sound fun
All of my Vulpera have the word “Fox” in their names.
All of my Pandaren/Alliance are in spanish.
This usually doesn’t affect their mogs/style.
E.g. I’ll play Firefox/Lumbre as an Arcane/Ice Mage if I feel like it.
I don’t think that is odd at all.
All of my characters have potato in their names except my Pandarian priest Pingpongboo named after after one of kids’ stuffed red panda and my Draenei Shaman Comradetato because I thought she had an eastern European accent.
I also can’t level one guy more than 5 levels w/o jumping on his or her counterpart and match the levels.
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My theme is Blood Elves. All my Horde toons are BElf except for my pet Vulpera shes a pet of all my sisters.
I do have a single unified theme for all of my characters.
They are, all of them:
Murder Hobos
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I have a set of three character (Paladin, Rogue, Death Knight) that are all sisters who’s lives took them in radically different directions.
In general I find that having a little bit of backstory for a character, even if it’s just in my head, helps make the character more appealing for me.
The theme of my characters is that they are all worgens, I know pretty complex theme.
I usually try to pick names based on class, and mogs that fit the class. Just makes sense to me in an RPG.
Dino druid named Primal, Dk named Fate
holy play named after an angel of healing from mythology. etc
only toon I really went all out on tho, and ironically I don’t play but felt compelled to make.
Goblin hunter, my engineer, and only uses gadget looking mogs and weapons and only use mechanical pets
I do the same. My character’s names all have something to do with their class, and their outfits tend to match that theme.
Sorina is the feminine version of Sorin. A Romanian name that means ‘sun’. Before I race changed, she was always in red, gold, and white to represent the Sin’dorei. I haven’t settled on her new Vulpera look, so I’m cycling through outfits every couple of days until one sticks.
My darkspear hunter is Ios, a reduction of “iolite”, a blue stone. Also a line of sight archery joke, ha. She has a blue shadow hunter theme.
My blood DK is Praxidice, the name of a lesser goddess who carries out or ensures justice is done. She wears next to nothing in red and copper bikini plate, because she’s dead anyway so why care about armor?
And Petrie is my Zandalari druid. Because pterodactyl moonkin.
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