Do your characters have a theme?

I love Greek and Norse stuff. So whenever I cant think of anything I try to go for a theme that echoes that.

So right now as you can tell, I’m wearing Vrykul stuff. Not a lot works on an orc other than animal hides, steel, and plate.

I try to have themes with my characters but I lack the transmog and mount options to make what I want. I do the best I can with what I have though.

I find it easier to make themed characters in ESO and City of Heroes.

Fel Fire is something I love showing off with this lock. Demonology has no real visible “hey i got the green fire” thing so I use my mog for it.

I do it too, but I’m also weird so…

The closest thing I have is a Dwarf hunter with an eye patch, his name is Oneyeopen with the title “the seeker”

I have been lax, lately, on developing back stories for my toons, but this toon is devoted to Sylvannas and the Forsaken.

As a young boy, he found himself lost in Silverpine after strolling out of his parents camp deep in the night, but became lost. Days turned into weeks as he searched for his way back, but the path back never materialized. It is unknown if they searched for him (they did) or why he was never found or found his way back(magic, mostly), but soon after he was taken in by a Forsaken warlock after he stumbled upon his cottage.

Life was not easy for him in Silverpine, as his guardian spent more time on his art than he did taking care of his new ward. Earning his keep by performing tasks and running errands, he would be rewarded sparingly. His favorite was when he would be allowed to accompany his guardian on trips to the Undercity. There he would marvel at the goings on of the undead and fascinated at the different species populating the Horde. He would eventually learn the bow from a passing Forsaken hunter that frequented Silverpine and join in adventures as they hunted prey.

The years eventually grew on him as he began to venture out on his own to distant lands hunting beasts and men alike. He once even visited Silvermoon, had long stopped looking for his family, but marveled how strikingly brilliant Silver moon was compared to Undercity and even the bustling capitol of Orgrimmer.

Eventually he pledged his undying support for the Forsaken, who he considers his brothers and sisters, and took part in the Siege of Lordaeron striking down many alliance as they advanced on the Keep. He once even gained an audience with the banshee queen; a moment he holds dear to his ever beating heart until the day that he might be resurrected in her service as a Forsaken.

I had 27 pages of back story written on this guy through the years as i chronicled his journey, but was lost a few years ago…still dont know how, but i did play SWtOR for a long time so it was probably, “lets make space” type of thing.

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A number (though not all) of my characters have some amount of backstory or another. And, a lot of the time it determines where I quest to level them. It doesn’t always determine what I do for their mog, though, I like playing with mog way too much. :grin:

Also, Zyrondell, as much as I’m not a sylvannas fan, that’s really cool.

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Other than Viking Santa and my rogue, my characters are mostly named after characters from my writings.

I like to play versions of those characters whenever I can in a game.

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Well name wise they have a theme, but i just use em for stories i wanna make >.>

I have not tried RPing at all, but the idea of creating a backstory for my characters is quite cool, I’ve been considering fleshing out this character, and a backstory would be a great, and significant step for me.

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Ponder it a bit as you quest on toons. That’s what I do when I read the quest text.

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it’s great actually.
passes time if you are waiting for pve/pvp stuff.
meet nice people, and can probably make a nice name for yourself among a community without killing a raid-boss :stuck_out_tongue:

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Almost all my characters are redheads or as close to having red hair as the character creator allows for the race.

Several of them also have a red/gold theme mog.

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