Do You Want Layering Removed?

WoW Classic = “Layer Me!”

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Yes. I want it removed while free transfers are still available so I can better guage whether to peace out or not.

Sure… once the other 90% of the people still leveling between 20-40 right now get to 60…

But then… there will be 10k-50k people trying to farm the same 1 layer for end game stuff… sure sounds stupid to me…

How can they remove layering right now though if there are servers that are still full during peak times with ~2 hour queues? how can they ever remove it if server pops remain this stable?

Although I guess removing it and making all the full pop servers also unstable with constant crashes / disconnects / world server unavailable, etc could actually help motivate people to migrate off them sooooooo yeah still don’t know what the correct answer is when it comes to layering.

That’s not the way it works. People offer services, people pay for those services. You treat your customers nicely so they’ll come back. You con’t change your mind about what you’re going to provide after you’ve said what you plan to provide. And no one in their right mind would expect a customer to be grateful for that.

Just because they say layering is over at the end of phase 1 does NOT mean they’ll remove it at the end of phase 1. Blizzard isn’t known for keeping their word. They also haven’t said when phase 2 begins. Now why is that?

As for leaving Classic in the dust I’m on the edge of doing so. The only reason I haven’t yet gone back to private servers is because I’m weary of PvP servers. I actually enjoyed my time questing through STV. I didn’t mind the runs to Scarlet Monastery.

The layering is getting to the point of being a deal breaker, though.

Blizzard made false statements.

The /who command COULD BE USED to determine layers.

However, rather than remove layering exploits, Blizzard did this:

One issue I have seen with layering is mining nodes being clearly visible but when i get within mining range they disappear, If you back up a step they re appear. Another is I have had mobs spawn 2-3 times instantly in the exact same spot which can end pretty rough. Also there are times where layering clearly is not working because mobs just stop spawning for a very long time.

Because it’s a problem. I mean seriously.

I honestly expected most of it to be gone by now. It was supposed to be for the massive flood of players pouring out of starting zones, but now you have exploiters cornering the market and people AoE grinding to 60 not even having to wait for repops. Get rid of it!

They should end layering now while the whole playerbase is spread out over the entire world.

Sorry but nope. Deal with it.

Layering already ruined the game along with the fact they released far too few realms at launch. Blizzard is completely incompetent.

Layering has not affected me, I don’t care if it’s removed or left in indefinitely.

How is the game ruined?

Eventually? Yeah I do. I’d like to see everyone’s lovely faces out in the world :slight_smile:

For the time being, I get why its in there.

And here I thought the vast majority of people just play the game and have fun and do not try and control or care what everyone else does…

Didn’t Blizz already bow to the screaming chicken little’s and put cool downs on layer hoping? I assume this is just another wahhhhhhhhhh post in the long line of post from people here that come to complain about any and everything…

I mean seriously.

You say that, but it probably has.
Did you run into that group of Alli that stopped you from questing?
No? cause you were in a different layer.

The game is already approaching near unplayability with layers. I’m posting here as I wait for mobs to respawn in a camp that has 10 other players farming the same mobs. If anything, there aren’t enough layers. Either that or a respawn rate hike.

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I don’t like being on one of the lower population realms and still having to fight with a dozen people for quest npcs from another server.

People who are really nothing more than impatient aren’t the ones whose perspectives I’d take into account were I sitting at Blizzard HQ reading this.