Do You Want Layering Removed?

Blue quote, for context:
“However, we also want to assure you that the issue is a much smaller problem than some people are claiming. We’ve been closely monitoring the effect layering is having on economies and other aspects of the game, and many of the stories we see posted are wildly inaccurate. We’ve seen screenshots of banks full of rare crafting materials, which we’ve investigated and proved false.”

The answer is simple, use layering more! Get your friends, your guild, YOU to start using it… a lot. Get your banks stacked with thorium. If we are having fun with layering, the fun police will nerf it! It was so simple all along!

#AbuseLayering to get it removed early!


People will complain, no matter what.


Link to blue post?

As I said in another thread, I think layer swapping to avoid world pvp is reason enough to end it as soon as possible without rushing it.

Layering was,
To my understanding, a tool meant to help with long term server health by requiring fewer new servers to open. Once that goal has been accomplished I look forward to its removal.




Not right now
Let me enjoy some of the area by myself

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You do realize that if you do abuse it they are more likely to just punish the abusers than removing it early right? It is a lot easier/less work to give people a couple days off and remove items/gold from their inventory than to remove all the layers earlier than planned.

don’t care if removed or if it stays

It will be removed by the end of phase 1.

People on faerlina, herod, etc better be ready.

How do you know this? Ohh… because Blizzard said so.

It’s funny you believe them.


Trust me im very hesitant about it too.


I like the layering they have now.

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The recent posts I’ve seen you post are all just… Well I’ll just ask this. Why are you still giving them money? If you are like this about them, why are you even supporting them with your wallet? Is it because they made something you enjoy? Show some gratitude sometime. If they said by the end of phase 1 it’s by the end of phase 1. Do plans change? Sometimes, yeah.


Please tell me this is a joke.

  • FACT I couldn’t see the people in my guild because we were all on different layers.

  • FACT I get asked for invites so people can escape being attacked on their layer

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Said nobody ever.

No, i enjoy being able to play.

I don’t want to think about layering at all when playing. It is immersion breaking, makes it into a game of servers and optimization rather than a real world that I can believe I’m in. So I wouldn’t want to abuse it, since it would remind me that it is there.

I must have missed it, another poster asked for it - link to the blue post ?

I think layering is a clear cut exploit and cheat, I’ve never once layered and will not. I’ve seen people scream in chat for a new layer because they’ve spotted an Alliance player, I’ve seen them farm rare spawns over and over for blue BOE drops or to simply access new herb and ore nodes.

How ActiBlizz thinks this is not cheating is beyond me…it’s clear: IT’S CHEATING.


This whole layering complaint is stupid. Maybe it doesn’t bother you because you are ahead of the majority at level 52 (or higher now?). But for people who don’t have time to literally sit around with 200 people in the same area and fight for quest mobs, it’s a godsend. My char is 45 now and I still run into issues waiting for mobs to respawn and 2-3 groups already there farming them. If layering didn’t exist it would be miserable. They said it themselves, the server capacity is far beyond what it was when the original WoW was here.

I played back then, It’s pretty much the same experience I am having right now so their calculation on layering and how many people go into each is pretty spot on.


layering makes me feel like the server is dead when it has a queue, dont like it one bit