Their video on “The Great Filter” is much better if you ask me. Also greatly suited to the topic at hand. I think if more people watched it, they’d be less inclined to fall in line with the same thinking as everyone else.
I’ve always had this Star Lord wanderer of the galaxy thing role playing in my head. Imagine finding a world, but it’s in ruins and preserved in errie silence for millions of years.
Like a Rhuidean in space.
Yeah, we’re all min-maxers and metaslaves. Doomed to a never-ending existence.
Mathematically it’s almost certain that life, even far more advanced than humans, exists on literally millions of planets across the universe.
A better question is if life exists that we’ll ever be able to interact with.
With the extreme distance involved and the time it takes for radio waves to travel, there could be an advanced civilization looking at our planet right now and detecting nothing. Since there were no broadcasts from us far enough in the past to have traveled that distance.