Do you think the return of the cloning service would upset GDKP enjoyers?

Alright so… the value of gold would either drop (because a sudden resurgence of clones harboring gold) or the price could remain the same if we say… just cut gold out of the equation. Drain every clone of their gold, heck, even BOEs. I’m confident people would compromise if it meant at least having their gear, honorable kills, bank stuff. IMO that sorts out the economy for the most part. Not sure why you there would be more boosters… wouldn’t there be less… because the demand for boosts would also decrease?

All clones that were not activated before July 26, 2022 were deleted.

And cloning service began May 18, 2021. Closer to 1 year and 2 months window to clone.


While I understand it says in this post when they plan on retiring the clone service, can you see that this post is one of those examples of them attempting to reach players about the clones through the forums, which 99.9% of players do not attempt to read. Look for yourself, only 7.1k people even viewed their official post. what a poor attempt to tell everyone they were about to erase everything they worked so hard for.

Finally, just for you @deathsbounty,
I never said character data is stored on excel although what I meant was, to
quote from a private server dev I’ve been asking questions,
“Character data is somewhat analogous to adding rows of information to spreadsheets, albeit in a more structured and relational manner. The storage size for a single character, even one with a lot of progress, would be relatively small due to the efficient nature of relational databases. Just a few KB really.”