Would it make them mad because loads of people would seemingly appear out of the blue (some of them with BIS gear) - or would it make them glad to have more peons at their beckon call to hire for raids so that they can get everything they want with cash?
I could see not wanting to upset the whales… one of them could spend $2500 worth of gold in a single raid night! That’s like what a regular subscriber would pay over the course of 13 years! hehe~
When Burning Crusade Classic was released, players could choose to remain in level 60 “Era” servers, or go to level 70 “BCC” servers. Cloning was an option to pay to have both characters, instead of choosing.
These 2 things have nothing to do with one another…clones would still do gdkps. There gonna be around regardless and IMO aren’t as bad as everyone makes them out to be
I don’t think it would upset the GDKP enjoyers since a serious percentage of them at the moment are ‘players that went to tbc/wotlk and never cloned’ who are returning. They are swiping, so with clones reopened the gold price would drop, and there would be more 60s around as well as way more boosters. And perhaps they could even clone their own geared toons back.
The groups that are really harmed from opening clones are legitimate players who need to buy stuff from AH, since it would cause instant massive inflation paired with uncertainty.
Who it would benefit:
Gold sellers
Players that went tbc / wotlk and never cloned
Who it would harm:
The overall era economy
New players that don’t buy gold
Era does not need clones. People had nearly two years to make them.
I suspect the clones would actually make the gold sellers a lot of money because the majority of the clones aren’t full BiS, and because of that the number of clones buying gold to finish their character would skyrocket.
As for if clones should return… Man, I tell ya I was 100% for this until recently…
I changes my mind not because I had to level fresh, but actually because I did level fresh…
The leveling processes is no joke the best part of Vanilla Era, and its something that gives life to the server in ways that only start to make sense if you play often.
Now, if clones were a thing, yes I would, but they’re not so I’m not crying over it.
Man, at this point I am starting to wonder if some of the bots aren’t operated by blizzard employees who have plenty of time on their hands to run bots and know they’re not getting caught.
My brain is hurting reading not only the OP but the response. Actually in shock ppl could have this opinion. but here we go.
So, not only do you think cloning would hurt GDKP, which it wouldnt my clones have 50k gold on them and i still need some naxx items, but you think Blizzard killed the cloning service specifically to keep GDKPs going? For why exactly? Money? But they dont want to bring back cloning service in which people pay $$ to have their characters? What logic is that lol
Cloning service was killed LONG before era had a resurgence. Nobody was buying them and it was costing a ton of space to store the data. So they simply deleted it. Thats it.
Theres really not much more to it. There is no “return of the clone service” your characters are on WOTLK, they will stay there forever or until cata. Get over it .
I never thought about it your way, but with your logic, the return of clones could actually disrupt the underground gold market (GDKP) still because, well, there could be a lot of people that didn’t clone their characters harboring a lot of gold (smells like seized assets to me!). But what about the whales that have completely bis gear who didn’t clone? If made available to them through a cloning service for a small fee instead of having to start from scratch, that would be a lot of money that wouldn’t have to be spent on gold, which would 100% be from the illicit market because there is no WoW token on era. My impression is that the underground gold market has a lot of real-life money moving through it. I mean, I shouldn’t speculate, but there is no way Blizzard would prioritize the integrity of the illicit gold market, would they? Then why not bring back the service for sale? Oh yeah… deleted… right… right.
Nobody was buying them because there was extremely low demand at the time, obviously because TBC and WOTLK were being pulled from out of the Disney vault. And where do you see Blizzard state that it costs a lot of money to store that data? Do you have any evidence that suggests this? We’re not talking about storing the equivalent of 150 days of video for each day /played; we’re talking about storing simple spreadsheets with numerical values relating to level, class, items, currency, location. No wonder your head hurts; thinking is hard for you, apparently.
Alright so… the value of gold would either drop (because a sudden resurgence of clones harboring gold) or the price could remain the same if we say… just cut gold out of the equation. Drain every clone of their gold, heck, even BOEs. I’m confident people would compromise if it meant at least having their gear, honorable kills, bank stuff. IMO that sorts out the economy for the most part. Not sure why you there would be more boosters… wouldn’t there be less… because the demand for boosts would also decrease?
All clones that were not activated before July 26, 2022 were deleted.
And cloning service began May 18, 2021. Closer to 1 year and 2 months window to clone.
While I understand it says in this post when they plan on retiring the clone service, can you see that this post is one of those examples of them attempting to reach players about the clones through the forums, which 99.9% of players do not attempt to read. Look for yourself, only 7.1k people even viewed their official post. what a poor attempt to tell everyone they were about to erase everything they worked so hard for.
Finally, just for you @deathsbounty,
I never said character data is stored on excel although what I meant was, to
quote from a private server dev I’ve been asking questions,
“Character data is somewhat analogous to adding rows of information to spreadsheets, albeit in a more structured and relational manner. The storage size for a single character, even one with a lot of progress, would be relatively small due to the efficient nature of relational databases. Just a few KB really.”
what is free about paying to unlock a character that you already spent thousands of hours collecting items on?
They did send a couple e-mails that mentioned the cloning service, however not a single one of them indicated that the character cloning service would be ending. If you have one that does say this, please share it. I just sifted through my email looking for anything about the cloning service and found not a single word about this being a limited time offer.