Do you think the lore is gone in warcraft?

lol okay, whatever you say. Ignore the blizzard canon if you wish. Nothing off my back.

Just don’t get angry when you see Turalyon hanging out in silvermoon a lot.

Turalyon has already been in Silvermoon.

Cool, so we agree.

Not not really. But one thing is for sure, it is Sunday.

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It is sunday.

I’ve noticed, whenever they double-down on the lore, they seemingly get worse results than if they left it alone lol.

WoD, then BfA to SL, was/were all pretty bad.

Are bad writers worse than having none? Maybe.

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and honestly, in Vanilla and TBC, they really didn’t have much lore or storylines. They honestly just decided to make a more casual EQ and didn’t think it would be a huge hit while they work more on warcraft 4. Imagine when people actually liked the mmo and it killed EQ in the markets.

What they need to do is not do faction stories and do more race stories instead.


Everything just feels homogenous.

There’s no individual identity, meaningful internal conflicts, faction/racial pride, character uniqueness…even though the literal universe is at stake, it just doesn’t feel like it is.

I’d say it’s like the MCU post Endgame. There’s some shining moments, but the overall arc is missing something.


Is it any more damaging than when we were told the big nipple guy from the death dimension was behind every major event?

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That’s because it largely is.

No more class-based quests, no more faction-based stuff.

All one singular, homogenized story, “one size fits all” kind of deal.

It certainly sucks.

Something they’ve been doing post-BfA, probably because of how bad the faction war campaign was. It ultimately went nowhere, anyway.

The world has lost some it of its depth, and feels more shallow than ever.

We had more depth in the past, lol.

In regards to how races/classes saw each other, and acted accordingly.

Remember when Forsaken were Neutral starting out within the Horde? They don’t really do stuff like that anymore.

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They need to stop caring about factions, stop with the cosmic stuff and just concentrate on small stories inside the races.

Undermine has Personality because it is all about the goblins, warcraft style.

Westfall storyline is great because it is a very human story.

BFA without the factions was fun when it came to zone stories.

That is what we need more of. That and bring back class halls.

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to quote a certain movie from the early 2000s.
“When everyone is super, no one will be”

removing the cultural themes of Horde and Alliance, how they differ.
removing the strengths and weaknesses of classes so they all have a bit of everything
and making characters “generic, but safe to mainstream market” instead of having risky characters that weren’t afraid of being evil. and i mean actually evil. not villian of the week with no real impact seen on the world.

As BigFel said above me, stop the cosmic “SAVE THE WORLD” crap. we hated shadowlands. stop doubling down on it.

focus on the SMALL CONFLICTS. Alliance vs Horde was great cause they are small battles and conflicts added up. regardless of who wins, the world doesnt end. They more relatable.

maybe dark iron dwarves vs other dwarves. where a conflict isn’t resolved by “sitting down and talking (thats boring for a game)” but by players fighting for either side and learning the stories of the soldiers and the intrigue, the plots, the small stories that add up.

hell, i’m reminded of this video.

20:28 for summary. If someone on youtube can make an interesting and believable story that is griping enough to keep people engaged for 20 minutes on the freaking stonetalon mountains. then Blizzard has no excuse


I definitely stopped caring at all about the lore between SL → TWW

But it doesn’t mean it can’t get better, we can hope :slight_smile:

The main plot seems to be lost in a mix of Marvel and Politics sadly.

But there are still some minor story lines, like with the funeral at DF, that are very well done and you feel for the NPC´s.

I also think that the current car racing sim and before that dragon racing sim, are not good for the franchise, nor the constant “all will be good” attitude in the main plot.

We need a main plot, where either Horde or Ally lose something and are at a disadvantage next expansion. And yes this disadvanage should be significant, like losing the main city, access to certain profession materials, travel networks and so on.

Right now, there is no war, there is no purpose in being Alliance or Horde, it´s just silly.

yes absolutely. i don’t know about other people but for me the game would benefit greatly if it just gave up entirely on story telling. give us a dungeon where bad guy is doing bad thing, give us random side quests where some idiot lost his dog, give us a raid where bad guy is gonna kill a village or something and don’t tie it into anything. no main characters, no factions, the lore jumped the shark 40 times over and there’s no way to salvage it.

I would pay like 100$ to faction change to a factionless faction that is just entirely cut off from the lore entirely and I can walk around ganking everyone.

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It’s been uninteresting for quite a while. My hope is that after TLT they start fresh, e.g. fast forward 1000 years into the future where we go back to the old continents of Azeroth that have been redone and get new NPC characters and new stories.

This is why I love Season of Discovery. Karazhan Crypts is literally just you as a player via your avatar find a note on a board, you go to Deadwind Pass to investigate, end up involved in some shenanigans with Harrison Jones, and mostly just kill bad guys for treasure and glory.

There are three tiers of interactive story-telling - top tier is when you can choose your character and it has tons of lore filled in based on your choice (Legion Approach). Middle tier is when your character is a blank slate that you can impose your own motivations for participating in content (D&D Approach, Vanilla WoW Approach). Bottom tier is when your character is one strict forced archetype whose motivations are imposed by pink-haired writers (DF / TWW Approach).

The top tier writing is expensive so they’ve avoided that model, instead opting for the worst possible choice. Just let us loose and impose our own justifications for engaging with content. It’s really that simple.

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See, that is what is needed more in retail. Just an adventure board, a questline given and you figuring things out.

[quote=“Sentenzå-sargeras, post:58, topic:2060697”]
Bottom tier is when your character is one strict forced archetype whose motivations are imposed by pink-haired writers (DF / TWW Approach).

Nothing to do with pink haired people. it literally is MBA type shareholders telling them to get more of a marvel feel to it. DF and TWW has some great writing, when it isn’t the main storyline with the main characters, but then again, that is a wow problem since the get go. Corny main characters. But DF had a lot of what you call, middle tier writing with the dragon expedition stuff. That felt more like a true adventure type guild stuff.


I think it’s only a small minority that actually care about that stuff (any race being any class), most players seem to understand that it’s just a video game and doesn’t need to make sense

Where the story is concerned I’m pretty sure the majority of the complaints are about how the story has been tainted by woke stuff, gone “soft”, etc so much so that it actually starts to be a turnoff for the average player (who is probably age 30+ with a job at this point)

It’s like, little kids don’t play WoW, but for some reason the devs have decided to primarily cater the story/main cast of characters towards the kiddie tastes of little kids? Makes no sense if you ask me

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best way to describe it. marvel

marvel movies were good. but they also have become the standard everyone copies. and its never an improvement. its always a cloned downgrade. boring.

as someone once told me, listen to the epic songs of old
like Times Change
or A Call to Arms

do any modern scenes/characters fit these old epics

if not, then the story quality has degraded.

last scene i can think of in WOW to match these epics…is Garrosh in Shadowlands. and the animation quality of that makes me think Blizzard didnt want to do that scene, it felt like they were resentful to it.
despite it being a taste of the old epic Warcraft.