Do you think the lore is gone in warcraft?

I have been reding a lot of comments and seems like many people actually gave up in the lore in warcraft, they just dont like it, and for good reasons

something i really dislike is that factions lost their identities, like blood elfs in the alliance and the dwrafs in the Horde

also let any race be anything is also damaging the immersion in warcraft

i mean, we gonna have Ocs paladis sooner than later, or Void elfs paladins, despite canonically exist multiple reasons for that to be imposible and ridiculous to the ideals of the races

now we have a goblin being the second in charge of the IV 7, what comes next ?

the next general of the Kor kron gonna be a Gnome, wait no, a voif Gnome that looks exatly like a normal Gnome because people demand it !!


We are at a “build the next generation” phase of story telling except that there is no next generation.

So instead we’ll just throw another anthropomorphic animal race that was never before previously seen.


That won’t happen.

Ion already said as much despite the “all classes for everyone” thing, he has since said that isn’t possible.


And what he means is “we don’t want to spend the resources to do it.”


It already happened, we have many races able to be things they sholdnt already

also, Ion also said no to Blood elfs in the aliance and there they are, nothing says he cant quit wow and let people do another horrendous things with warcraft

also his promises are kinda empty, honestly, you believe him ?


I mean if you watch the video, it just sounds like he doesn’t feel Gnome Paladins and so on are a good fit, but who knows man, Blizz speaks in riddles all the time.


I actually just brought that up.


The lore to a large extent was shoehorned into being ‘poor quality’ as soon as there was ‘Alliance’ and ‘Horde’ being the all encompassing player class. Basically as soon as WoW came out.

To make an MMO especially with the Alliance vs Horde thing they were peddling you need constant conflict but factions don’t generally work that way.

Warcraft 3 on the other had a lot more flexibility on who was allied with who.


A lot of people don’t play the game for lore and just want to play a game and advance their character and overcome challenges.

Personally I liked how back in vanilla there was no main overarching questline.


I think it’s at a low point right now with people reading spoilers from every source and putting item levels and seasonal gameplay ahead of exploration, time sinks, and reuse of existing continents which have the most enduring lore.

Blizzard could bring it back if they didn’t have to put up a new, extremely time limited, time sink to this idiotic agile software development schedule concerned with working minor patches as fast as possible.

TLDR; I think Blizzard is using a bad software development lifecycle and it churns the lore too quickly without nurturing the best or promising stories/myths.


I find that most of the time when people are complaining about Lore being “dead” what they’re really complaining about is the fact that the story didn’t stop at the exact moment they’ve decided was the peak.

Lore is fine. It’s not permanently frozen at whatever moment is the most nostalgic for you, but that’s OK.


I feel the same about wow’s lore. I’m not playing the game specifically for lore and don’t care about it too much. But I respect that there are those who care a lot about it and try not to step on their toes.

Me, I get into tv shows for caring about writing. With wow? They could shoot Azeroth out of giant space cannon tomorrow and I’d say, “cool, let’s see where this is going.” Lol

They’ve managed to kill off/maim/rework/or retire many characters that began in the RTS which helped build up the lore for the mmo.

Leaving them to hammer out new lore out of the bits of what remains of the old lore with whatever story is needed to move the plot along.

Some times…some times the new lore is passable and other times you get Shadowlands with a main villain who gets made important because they retcon nearly all known lore to make them look important.


Ion doesnt know how to create a game. He knows how to press buttons, and count money… But as far as crafting something people will enjoy, that is lore rich and enjoyable, he isn’t able to do that because he has absolutely ZERO experience with it and does not CARE if the game is good, he only cares if it makes money so he can report back to the share-holders, hold up a piece of paper with numbers on them and boast that hes such a good lead.

He hasnt done one single thing on a broad scope that is good for the game, his promises are empty and he has no idea what hes doing.


Then he can’t get fired soon enough. Been waiting like 17 years for Gnome Paladins.

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He’s good at making raids, that’s it. Shoulda just stayed lead raid designer.


That goblin has been second in charge for decades. That wasn’t a lore change, that was always there, you just realized it now

But yes, race/combo should be more restricted.


The issue with wow is that its never really been good at telling long scale stories. Its strength was in the world building and telling small character stories that shaped said world.

The issue is the lore has been so diluted the world lore isn’t really that interesting. After they said all magic schools can do any kind of magic its effectively what is your favorite color… it took a lot away from it.


Not even sure why that’s an issue, folks realize that while some of them have been evil, most Goblins are not Horde and neutral… right? Like one whole cartel out of 5 joined the Horde, the rest of Goblinkind Goblinses? Globini?? Have never picked sides.

Heck most folks IN Horde and Alliance both are also in neutral organizations like the Cenarian Circle, Unseen Path, Uncrowned, Earthen Ring…etc etc. That’s just ONE of the many reasons the faction war was so stupid, especially in BFA, any Cenarian Circle Druid worth their salt in the Horde would’ve aided Malfurion in removing Sylvanas’ head.


This is my biggest issue with the lore so far. Faction, race, and class pride is no longer a thing because everything’s become so diluted and boring now, and this is only going to get worse next expansion with the elves coming together to defend the Sunwell or Silvermoon, which would probably mean extra allied races that make the factions look even more alike.