Hes old, he officially retired as the King of Gilneas, and his two biggest targets are gone.
Sylvannas is stuck doing Maw dailies for eternity and after the Forsaken helped in the reclamation of Gilneas, Genn is on more neutral terms with the faction now.
His worgen form allows him to still fight despite his age, but who knows how long that will last.
Just wondering.
Only if its convenient for the story.
I’m sure the God Emperor of Azeroth (anduin) can find a way to restore him.
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Unless he becomes a horde leader, he’s fine
Horde leaders don’t die from old age; they just get shanked.
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Yup. Because killing off main characters for shock value has run its course so why not stir the players emotions by having the old guy go out peacefully as his family and friends surround him.
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hopefully not before we get to kill his useless hiney
I don’t know if he’ll die soon. I don’t really want that to happen. I know people have their personal feelings about Genn but always liked him.
Sylvanas isn’t in the Maw for eternity, just until the last of the Nelf souls crosses over.
No. Dogs live 10-13 years on average and Genn is way older than that. Clearly he is immortal.
Kneel to the king of perish!
I think he just has a good vet.
He’s only been a dog for about 13 years though. Might have to worry about all the dogs dying off soon.
Nah. That’s effort for no reward from Blizzard’s perspective. I think the reason he lived so long is because most players don’t feel one way or another about him. No shock value if he dies and not interesting enough to be a loot piñata.
Well not really. She was sent there to recover souls from the hapless Night Elves who somehow managed to lose an artillery battle even though they had the high ground and had their stump burned down.
Once they are recovered there would be no reason for her to stay. And that is IF she follows the rules and IF she gets tired of chilling in her Torghast condo.
Wasnt her sentence to recover all the souls from the victims of the 4th War? which would be more than just Teldrassil
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That was not clear. It’s unlikely because Tyrande, who made the decision, is not the type to care about anyone other than her own people.
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Ok just rewatched the cutscene to confirm, and her sentence seems to be very literally to free ALL souls from the Maw.
Not just her victims, so yeah shes gonna be there a while.
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Best way to take him out would be for him to do some kind of training arc for Anduin to make him remember how to fight and be an actual guy.
Then Greymane dies in some kind of sacrifice to help Anduin and finish his training or w/e, he just needs to die tbh.
That should be even easier. All they have to do is set up a transportation system and they can all leave. If it was just Night Elves they would have had to be located and separated from the others.
Basically she will be working with Pelegos to find them new locations in the other zones.