Do you think Classic's success upset Blizzard?

What world do you live in? Certainly not the real one…

That was J Allen Brack that said that.

But Ion is responsible for the trainwreck of bad decisions regarding vanilla classic.

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If anything it showed them there is a lot of cash to be made redoing the old games and hopefully moving away from that dumb idea of we dont like to look at our old work.

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Yea ok dude… We’re not talking about Carl at Cracker Barrel knocking your plan to put more butter in the cheesy biscuits… This is a BILLION DOLLAR PUBLICLY TRADED company… With prospectus and investors and analysts. They’re not just going to tank a multi-million dollar investment because one guy doesn’t like it. Thats not how any of this works.

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I live in the world where they literally stated they don’t care if 10s of players play classic.

Yea man. Because they didn’t release the bugged version of Cthun they clearly want Classic to fail.

You guys are literally insane, rofl…

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You think you do…

That was just hype to pump up a product. Acti/Blizz share price Aug 2019 was ~$50 USD, right now Jan 4 2021 ~$89 USD. I doubt that $40 climb was all due to Shadowlands/Other games.

It was becasue they have some of the biggest IPs and Warzone was free to play. The entire industry went up in the time of the lock down. I would not equate that stock rise to Classic as much as i would COD.

This story is so common place in the corporate world as it turns out. It’s pretty sad the way the world works.

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Being the worker, ie the people making the game, gives you a different set of incentives than your shareholders have. Blizz employees would hate having their pay cut, but this would lead to easily realized profit for the shareholders.

The workers are in the best position to sabotage what they are working on.

They obviously had zero clue as to how popular Classic would be. Don’t have to look any further than offering a pittance in terms of servers pre launch.

They have been bungling along ever since.

IMO their first priority is protection of IP. Hence the “even if 10 people are playing”. Releasing Classic was a legal maneuver.

If it also happens to turn a profit, all the better, but it doesn’t feel like they want to do their best to keep this version going at it’s best.


Explain to me, given your demonstrated incredibly knowledge of IP law, how exactly you imagine that works

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No he wasnt. He was objectionably wrong. Classic was a hit.


I envy your naïveté

Debilitating classic is not a company ending move and so I don’t see how you can act as such. There is a difference between making something unprofitable and makin something less profitable.

the conversation was not about this specific instance anyway, but about the idea that no company would sabatoge their product.

Subs doubled with Classic’s launch BEFORE covid. MAU’s, revenue… every metric increased with the launch of Classic.

So… you’re mistaken

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I’m sorry Carl didn’t decide to put more butter in the cheesy biscuits. That was a 1st rate idea and he really didn’t give you the credit you deserve.

That said… the rest of the world doesn’t work like Cracker Barrel.

Lol alright buddy.

Let me know when your work experience goes beyond fast food since that seems to be your only frame of reference.

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I’m sure you’re full of overlooked 1st rate ideas. Were you also the guy who had the idea to change the mop water after every room? You’re going places man. Don’t ever let them tell you different.

Brack was dead on.

Lol at thinking it is limited to just me. There are entire lines of study on the phenomenon.

But again, let me know when you actually get out into the real world. Not going to respond to you further.