Do you think Anduin's Armistice includes Darkshore?

What a shallow take at beauty.

You should admire her purity. A survivor… unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.


And you’re not going to. Because the story between wow is one of serial conflict with no real meaningful pause between them.

You do understand that an armistice is not a peace treaty, it is merely an agreement to pause in the fighting. That’s what the Koreas currently have between them. They’re still technically in a state of war.

Yes. And?

Kailleena said said the armistice would be pointless if the Horde didn’t leave Darkshore because the NEs would kill all the Horde there. I replied that they don’t have the ability to do that. They replied that unless the Horde left, Tyrande would refuse to sign the armistice. I replied that she’s already refusing to sign the armistice.

What does the difference between a armistice and a peace treaty have to do with any of that?

Yeah! They only got whupped last time because a numerous standign army and logistically sound base of operations are actually impediments to victory! Now that the Night Elf military is in ruins, Teldrassil is a smoking stump, and the refugee population of Night elves scattered across two or three continents, they’re SURE to have the Horde on the ropes at Darkshore!

I mean hey. Blizzard is incredibly inconsistent with its ability to handle numbers in this story so i wouldn’t be surprised if thirteen thousand fresh and ready Darnassian soldiers just showed up out of thin air tomorrow. But as it stands?

No. The Night Elves aren’t coing to “slaughter everyone” in any context or place. at this point, i’d kind of expect them to get the Darkspear treatment and have their very existence threatened by murlocs.

Civilians and the City Guard held the Entire Horde 8:1 and at the end there were more casualties on the red team.
Now that the full Kaldorei Army came back and is now empowered by Elune led by Night Warrior Tyrande, any horde presence still remaining on Ashenvale or Darkshore simply have no chance surviving past the night.


I’m pretty sure that Tyrande’s and the Army of the Black Moon are going to get a pretty big power up soon (in a meta sense) that’s going to make them a legitimate force.

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That’s optimistic. Night Elves have been treated like trash so far.


Because you might get a stalemate on Darkshore, but probably not?

Your eyebrows are on too tight.

The entire expansion. Have you not been paying attention?


The horde had an 8 to 1 advantage and still lost significantly more soilders. The fact is they were overwhelmed because all that was left in Ashenvale was a token force.

The army is largly intact. The force in Ashenvale lost a lost and probably a few hundred soilders on the boats but behind that the army survived. That army went back to Darkshore and outnumbered the horde, even Nathanos said so. He also said that they were losing on every front. Do you really think they had a large force left even after that had to secure Orgrimmar?

There isn’t enough of a horde force in Darkshore or Ashenvale to hold them off at this point.


So which is it?

Are the night elves the eternally beaten downtrodden victims of history, who are forever subjugated under the heel of the snarling horde?

Or are the night elves the masterful beings who will stand triumphant over their simple-minded foes through pure dint of their racial superiority?

I mean you can’t be the victim and the victor, the downtrodden and the powerful at the same time.

No but Blizz likes to use them to either show the horde’s ferocity or to prop up the humans in the alliance.

Not this either but I do think that in A Good War/Elegy finally gave an accurate description of how the Elves can hold off the horde.

I agree it’s inconsistent but that’s how Blizz chooses to show the Night Elves. They are a powerful race that had defeated many powerful foes in the past including the Orcs in W3 and yet in recent times they can’t seem to do much because apparently Blizz didn’t see then as important enough to be competent combatants against the horde. A prime example if that was in Wolfheart and hope Garrosh managed out push his way into Ashenvale. It was ridiculous.


That’s exactly my point. It would have been easy enough to have the completion of the quest where you go in and dismantle the Brotherhood (again), trigger the Phase where Sentinel Hill is no longer on fire. From a story perspective, that would make sense. The Brotherhood is no longer a threat, and peace has more or less returned to the Region.

Blizzard chose not to do this. There is literally no reason that the area should still be on fire. Absolutely zero.

Unless Blizzard decides to use Darkshore for whatever reason in the next patch or expansion, that zone is as good as dead.

It took them until Legion, three expansions after Cataclysm to fix the massive eyesore in Stormwind that had once been the Stormwind park. I think Org had received 2 or 3 updates in that time.

They don’t go back and fix Alliance content until they literally have to. They blow off even the easiest of fixes (Sentinel Hill).


Orgrimmar got an update in the same pre expansion patch Stormwind did. And I think maybe at the end of MOP it got a few minor tweaks in order to make the -checks notes- loot pinata cruise through it more smooth and exploit-free.

Oh woe is us, we only got some cool mounts, a couple of rocking armor sets. (sorry leather wearers, I feel your pain), a new racial customisation and a dramatic storyline to show for it!

Horde at least did a a really nifty plaguebat mount though.


Well they’re actively talking about armistices and terms of peace in 8.3, setting up Tyrande’s grievances as an ongoing plot point, and the Night Elves/Forsaken needing a home remains a thing, Also the new heroic warfront. Darkshore’s ultimate fate is more relevant to the main story of both factions going forward than is the fate of Sentinel Hill as part of the Defias Brotherhood quest line.

Also, the phasing stuff they’ve implemented in BfA is new to BfA. Clearly not something they had the foresight/ability/concern to bake into the game in earlier expansions. They could have done what they’ve done before and just made the changes to Silithus, Darkshore, Teldrassil, Arathi Basin, and Undercity and not featured an NPC to revert them back.

But they did. When they obviously didn’t have to.

The situation is different here.

One can look at the patch notes betweenStormwind and Orgrimmar and see that not only has Stormwind recieved more updates than Orgrimmar, but it’s also received more substantive additions in terms of new districts/buildings- and that’s on top of having more than Orgrimmar to begin with.

The NPC’s in Boralus are already talking about how peace with the Horde never lasts. Tyrande’s dissension is going to be the excuse why Anduin and Thrall’s latest efforts for peace are going to blow up (maybe literally) in their faces.

Coding costs money. They only code when coding is needed to accomodate new plot or game elements.

Remains to be seen as to what happens, hopefully if blizz is serious about ending the open faction war for good, they will find a way for the horde and Tyrande to get along. (They don’t have to like eachother, just reach an understanding) Maybe something like sharing info on Sylvanas and Nathanos’ whereabouts, or something in that nature. This whole thing with Tyrande parallels Jaina’s recent story.