It seems like Blizzard has been making a lot of pushes towards removing various barriers to play, adding customization and breaking down walls. Class/Race restrictions are breaking down, The Earthern is essentially allowing Horde Dwarves. Factions can now raid, RBG and M+ together and according to a developer interview, they intend to add cross faction queing in TWW.
Do you think a day will come where Blizzard will just “pull the ripcord” so to speak and make factions just simply something your character choose VS. determined by the race you select.
If so, how would you see them attempting to justify it story wise, like they have when adding Warlocks to all races.
Idk and tbh I cannot give a single F about factions anymore.
I choose whatever faction you are on, cute bean gnome angel
SO bean!!
I don’t know. Maybe towards the end of WoW, if there will be an ending, which is a possibility.

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Fair. It’s hard to care about factions when each expansion ends in “big threat, we must unite or Azeroth falls.”
I would like this if it ever happened.
While I enjoy horde races, alliance cities have always had more appeal to me.
Yeah I agree. I really want to play Vulpera but I just don’t really enjoy Org as a capital.
Similar but opposite problem, I want to go into Org as a gnome to check in on my orcs, but keep getting killed
It’s been nice in valdrakken because it’s so pretty there. Maybe the next hub will be the same
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Add more factions and just let people choose who they roll with, but allow all factions to group, guild, and visit all the cities.
Me love Rita, me do anything for Rita, guard kill her … me cry whole year …
Thank you. Soon I will come to Orgrimmar and tickle you!! (And get you to move some furniture for me)
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There needs to be. In the real world, races are not a monolith. There should naturally be a choice. Maybe my Blood Elf was turned off the Horde by Garroshs racism. Maybe she wants to be an Alliance and reclaim her High Elf heritage?
I really hope so. If you have friends that play a certain faction or you have a server that you love. Then you are limited to half the playable races and will never touch the other ones.
Just about every server is one sided, so in order to play the other faction you must find a new server or play pretty much alone. Which isint a big deal for some people, but I like my server and want to keep playing on it. But if I were to roll horde right now, it would be a ghost town and I wouldn’t be able to interact with people in Stormwind or Valdrakken.
Reclaim it by joining the faction that abandoned them in the first place?

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Not until wow moves to a new engine. Much like the default bag to much is baked into the horde and alliance tags
The devs should have made all races neutral by the time of Legion at the latest. Forcing players into a faction they don’t even like, based solely on race, isn’t exactly a concept to be proud of. Values and such should matter, not what you look like, even in a fictional world.
So yes, it would be nice if every race were given the same free will as the Pandaren.
Yeah, I imagine engineering would be a huge barrier.
Those don’t even matter, I can’t tell you what separates the Horde and Alliance beyond spikey red and spotlight blue.