Do you still play Wow or just watch Youtube videos about playing Wow?

Haven’t been playing Wow for a while? Instead you watch Youtube videos about playing? Is that where you’re at these days?

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Nope, still playing.

I feel like a significant portion of this forum watches more Youtube than they interact with other people, and pay a subscription fee primarily to come here and be awful in public.


Play wow

But I do watch Youtube but not about wow, gonna enjoy that presidential debate on 27th :sunglasses:

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I watch a lot of YouTube but not much of it is WoW related, especially late in an expansion.


Of all games to exist, why would I wanna watch wow lol


I stopped watching Youtube videos altogether when they decided every video would have an ad.


I can think of like…500 million better things to watch.

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I probably PvP way too much tbh but whatever. really enjoying hpal this season…with all it’s…uhhh inferiorities

I’m mainly playing classic right now because all my IRL friends who play migrated there. So I get most of my retail info from the forums.

Here and there. :tv: :robot:

I don’t watch any streamers or YouTubers for any game. I instead like to play them myself and experience the game.

Camping Sha of Anger as we type.

Guides, M+ routes, discussions about WoW that aren’t led by folks on GD, news updates, PvP, vods of streamers just having fun, etc.

There’s a fair few good reasons to watch WoW as well. I don’t really do much of it anymore because so much of it are plagued by the same trolls that plague GD, Twitter, Reddit, or just social media in general. But there are still fun and interesting stuff to watch if one wants to. Just have to find the right communities.

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I’m just here for the memes:


I still play. I don’t play every day and I don’t really care about progression but I still play.

I’ve never watched a Youtube video about playing WOW. I don’t think I ever will. There are so many other interesting things to watch.

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Both, plus I make stuff around World of Warcraft stuff. Though in regards to watching videos about World of Warcraft, it is really only when I see someone mentioning some news, and/or lore about the world of Warcraft as a whole.

Not one to watch others play the game itself, I do that enough on my own.

(Sips :beer:)

I like watching WoW lore youtube vids and then just leveling alts in remix until the pre-patch comes. I’m not too sure what the streaming culture for WoW is like. Streaming for an MMO seems so odd to me unless if the person has a really strong personality or is doing something that could provide entertainment like I’ve seen a youtuber before that would interview people on RP servers.

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You can get heavenly onyx cloud serpent in pandaria remix for free

Still play and glad that I do. Got the Lego axe today!