I do both.
I keep up with the news and lore videos but no I don’t play currently. I like smart conversations about games in general so I like watching various videos that are just talking about the game in specific ways even if it’s a game I’m not playing or haven’t ever played. I’m just a nerd lol
I am only subbed at the moment for a month so I don’t lose GM status while we wait to see if TWW looks worth playing. Currently we’re pretty turned off by the early access gimmick, and there are other games coming out with expansions around the same time (GW2 and FF14), so currently no immediate plans to return.
I stopped watching videos about World of Warcraft since I stopped watching Preach and Kaif. I occasionally will watch a Captain Grim or Platinum WoW video, but I don’t watch people actually playing the game anymore as I prefer playing it myself.
I want to add that I love these forums, I forum while using the treadmill and it makes it much more pleasant for me. I usually lose track of time on the treadmill and go for about 3/4 hours, and by the end I kind of feel like I got my “WoW desire” met chatting about it for so long, then I end up not even playing. Hehe
I haven’t figured out how to pull my weight in LFR or any content (even solo) while watching Youtube instead.
Please advise how.
I think the last YT vid I watched about WoW was like a year ago, and I don’t even remember what it was about specifically.
I mostly use the videos to help understand what’s going on and how to do things. For example Kelini had a really good video showing where all the dragon glyphs could be found.
The quest glyphs are really good too, especially when you don’t really understand just what the quest is asking you to do.
Why would I watch Youtube vids about wow? Well, other than maybe “PvP with the blues,” which I have never seen posted.
WoW Youtube content is incredibly boring, so no.
That’s where I’m at with Runescape though.
I still play WoW, I don’t really ever watch videos about playing it. Although, with both Remix and the beta out, my attention has been split in multiple directions, and when that happens usually I can’t maintain it. So mostly I’ve focused on Remix, and almost completely skipped Season 4 of dragonflight so far. I still do my weekly heroic raids with the guild, but I haven’t set foot in a M+ dungeon for a few weeks, and rarely log in to retail. I already have most of the teleports, and figure I’ve got time before TWW comes out to get the rest without much fuss.
I subscribed and played WOW for years. However, due to all things Pathfinder and mandatory participation in dungeons to level professions, I finally unsubscribed a while ago. I’m back now due to major surgery and some strict physical limitations. However, as soon as I get the OK to return to my normal daily activity level, I will unsubscribe.
/wipes tears from eyes.
Was in Remix.
Currently at this specific moment, yes. But I’m not interested in remix and have gotten what I wanted out of season 4. So I’m just paying attention to TWW info as I wait for pre-patch. Once the expansion launches I’ll be playing WoW as much as possible (for a while).
Neither I mostly just skim the forums these days.
Retail I watch cutscene montages to keep up to date somewhat.
I play cata. Maybe tww changes that. Grind mechanics to see, to me less, than great story was just too much at start. So I montage it when the mood strikes me.
Cata mixes that up. Like today. I leave a dungeon to go back in at start for quest turn in. And….die in a fire. Literally. We still have death wing drive by torching areas.
Moments like that were better than working retail to see story.
I don’t think I have ever seen a youtube video of someone just playing WoW.
I thought that was a Twitch thing.
I did try watching one or two supposedly instructional videos on a raid boss I was having difficulty with but I couldn’t figure out what was going on, gave up and now stick to reading Wowhead comments instead.
I play it actively. Lately I’ve been doing MoP Remix and leveling a Rogue in Cata Classic on the side.
i play wow for one to two hours but watch videos and posting here for far more than that