Do you see my mana?

What do you want me to do for you?

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Sorry, that was last week. This week the drama is Yamato keeping loot.

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his mana was literally < 5% though.

if i were the rogue i wouldnt be crying and whining and hovering, i’d be gouging, blinding, cheapshotting, crippling poison autoing. The dumb dumb didnt even run crippling on offhand…

nobody dies if the rogue were competent. but then again if i were the rogue i never would have ninja looted the guilds event chest.

I wonder if they have scheduled drama to keep up interest. Will next week be someone stealing the gbank?

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Second puberty.

Mak’gora event next week. Then MC the week later.

True but fortunately, you said you were a noob, and didn’t represent yourself as wow god lecturing others how to mage. Moreover, despite you didn’t know what to do, you stayed with the group till the end and did whatever you could (not rogue could), and didn’t lie that you had no energy with a straight face.

It seem not only Pirate can lie with a straight face. Is this mages’ culture ? Anyway, r1 frost bolt, r1 blizzard, r1 frost nova cost like 1%. And his r1 blizzard button lighted up for the entire run.

your awareness is literally level 10 out of 60.

in order to do any of those spells, the mage would have had to bypass the boss who was way ahead of the other mobs, and put his character in danger. This is a boss that randomly charges anyone and punts them 20 yards. if the mage is anywhere near the boss he chances getting punted into one of the 15 mobs the tank/rogue/feral pulled, or even into one of the packs the tank bypassed and didnt clear.

imagine 3 people in your group constantly causing near death pulls, with no knowledge of how the dungeon works, pulling 15 mobs at once with a boss that can not be CC’ed and that also charges and punts random players, in a dungeon in which your tank did not clear a lot of packs a long the way, all 3 of those players making HUGE mistakes, and now it’s your job to die for them…

no, that’s dumb, a mage isnt suppose to sacrifice all their playtime and work for 3 terrible players that caused a massive 15 mob pull plus a boss. this same rogue has watched 6 healers die in his groups and 3 dps… this same rogue crying about accountability ninja looted his guilds event chest 2 days ago. this same rogue told all his guildmates who he stole from that they are nobodies and they are cringe and to go F themselves. this same rogue did not CC a single mob during the Dire Maul wipe. At least the mage tried to slow the mobs with blizzard. there was some effort there.

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All I see is mages’ tiny brains. Charge has dead zone and cd, any not trash mage knows this. Moreover, with full hp ( even without barrier) you shouldn’t give a crap about charge’a dmg.
Find more better excuse like “I am guild’s primary enchanter” among other 10 primary enchanters.

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You really shouldn’t bother engaging with that guy. He’s a known forum troll.

what? the charge damage is irrelevant, it’s where you land after being charged… talk about smol brain

The whole group has been stacking on the boss for the most of time with Ozy falling behind at the start, then Snupy near the exit, mage typically just needed to stay in 8 yard + hit box to frost nova or blizzard or CoC. Even if his brain is too small (it’s a fact though) to know how to sit in a dead zone, you don’t even know how to control where you would land for a straight line knock-back ? Did you skip elementary school?
Fabricate better delusional lies.
P.S: my bad of course, pirate and you are smart, you guys were busy using 100% brain power on wasting mana to make the lie “I have no mana” look realistic and make your look smug than thinking how to play your class properly.

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Really, this all did compound on Pirate because he placed himself as a knowledgeable authority for years. He never analyzed his own plays after the fact, he just doubled down on his narrative in hopes it would stop. Self analyzation is what good players do, and Pirate did everything in his power to avoid it.

That’s why he’s the face of roaching on hardcore today and literally no one cares about what Yamato does because he’s terrible and behaves like a dumb, terrible player.

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you say he needs to be using a channeled spell, a casted spell, and a spell with a short range on the mobs behind the boss, and then say “just stand on the boss”. Talk about arm chair arena gladiator lolol.

if one of those dogs resist he now has full aggro, now can be dazed, now can die. Sure you’ll say something dumb like “mages have blink hur durrrr”, and if he blinks the boss can now charge him and punt him into other mobs or further away from the exit and those dogs still have aggro on him.

all this for what? to sacrifice your character for people who constantly keep pulling extra packs and bosses?

you’re just hindsighting and making it play out as if nothing could have gone wrong while literally having no awareness about the dungeon. Go roll a mage, go “save” bad players until they get you killed. the maybe eat some humble pie.

I knew it, you definitely skipped elementary school. Let me explain 1 by 1:

  • nova, coc are instant casts. Mobs were stacking on top of the boss for 90% time of the run.
  • r1 frost nova has like 1s or less cast time iirc.
  • the boss has 8y+hit box range so you can start channeling blizzard 8y before the boss up to 8 y behind the boss. Ozy had to face the boss to avoid being dazed so he couldn’t move at full speed neither.
  • you can position yourself to be knocked to a wall or an edge to minimize knock-back distance in case you are smart enough to not be able to estimate the charge range. If you are a fast finger (which is impossible because you have Pirate mage skill level) you can IB the charge and nulify it completely.

There was no risk for doing so. Every not trash mage can do so. What the hell with “sacrifying yourself”?
Stop learning from Pirate’s academy and go to a real school.


not even half, but gj failed math and didnt watch the video i guess.

bruh, youre so bad

imagine posting this in a thread about 3 melee players who pulled 20 mobs and a boss. positioning, eh? lolol

if it wasnt risky to get close, then how did the priest and feral die? why was the rogue so afraid to touch anything? And it’s laughable that you are now saying, "well just take the charge against the wall, as if the Boss couldnt one shot you and “he’s in no danger”…

you dont even know the cast time of nova… go sit down.

This is the dumbest argument ever, because the tank, priest, and the feral were at risk, the mage had absolutely no risk. The roach barely did any dmg to be at risk from the beginning. And with just 1 frost nova, all risk would magically disappear. Don’t skip school pls.

you literally dont even know how Frost Nova works, and you’re trying to discuss this situation earnestly…

you literally dont even know how Frost Nova works, and you’re telling me about dungeon risk…

you literally dont even know how Frost Nova works, and you’re telling me mage is invincible and there’s no risk when a pack of 20 mobs and a boss with charge is running you down…

Pirate banned you, didnt he? this is personal for you clearly.

I see, you learnt gaslighting skills from Pirate’s academy. You don’t need critical thinking, facts, or evidence, just gaslight everything into reality like your master Pirate.
