Do you see my mana?

Hey Pirate!

Name checks out, all talk. This has been reviewed to death. Pros have offered their opinion. Other than asmon and his rage bait everyone knows Pirate roached out and failed. He was soo low on aggro table that there is no way he would have aggroed. 100% he could have saved everyone, been a hero and got a huge bump in popularity. Instead he ran like a coward, blamed it all on his guildies and deserved all the karma afterwards. People have posted videos of other mages doing exactly what Pirate could have done. Its beginner mage 101 and he couldn’t even do that because he didn’t want to and that’s why he got what he deserved.

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this is some massive copium. Boss charge doesnt go off aggro, boss knocking him into a pack they skipped gives him full aggro, priest dying because feral pulled whole dungeon means first to damage them gets aggro. you’re doing some insane reddit level mental gymnastics with that one.

more inept cluelessness… Pirate is literally the Top streamer in OnlyFangs. More popular? He has twice as many subs as the second highest OnlyFangs member.

Run means run, but he still chose to stop and blizzard the mobs. I didnt see the rogue use any CC. Rogue is the actual coward. Rogue literally roached out on his undead guild and is about to be deleted for it.

yah i posted a video of Ahmpy roaching out like a hypocrite killing his tank and healer a month ago.

no, hardcore 101 is Do Not Die, and he had no reason to sacrifice his own character when his group fumbles the ball and pulls 15 mobs and a boss, but again, he still tried and casted some CC while the rogue did nothing but talk.

kicked by a bunch of view vampires mad because he has 50k subscribers? making $200,000 a month. Kicked while Tyler1 says in every dungeon that he “doesn’t care about anyone in the group and if anything goes wrong he’s roaching out” while he’s had 9 people die in his group before this even happened. Pika roached and killed his group and intentionally his healer for laughs. getting kicked by a degenerate content guild has done nothing but increase Pirates views and subs, and he deserves it for being a great human being that is entertaining.

You jealous degens get so mad at him being so successful, it’s literally the reason why it went viral. Onlyfangs members constantly still trying to get views from him a month later is peak swine.

Dude, stop the coping and white knighting. You think Pirate is going to personally thank you for upholding his honor on wow forums? I’ve said previously that the whole concept of streamers is awful and I don’t hate or like Pirate. I don’t know a single thing about him or how popular he is. All I know and commented on is the situation. Streamer or not. Anyone doing what he did in a full guild group is unforgivable and he deserved the gkick and the call outs.

My whole point is, he had options and instead of trying anything he CHOSE not to. He then piled excuse after excuse and blamed everyone else but himself. He even went so far as to lie about not having mana. He continued to not take any responsibility and slag the other players multiple times. Like someone in a car with friends who gets in a bad accident, he got out of the car and ran away without lifting a finger to help anyone inside. Yes, it wasn’t his fault, he didn’t cause the accident but he was with guildies who deserved at least the bare minimum to try and help everyone get out alive. On top of that he was smug and self righteous saying “what can I do for YOU” while it was happening. Imagine being the guy in the backseat of the car and criticising the driver for his poor driving skills while he lays there unconscious instead of helping him out of the car saying “sorry man, this was on you” and then dipping.

No matter who it was, a celebrity or Joe Shmo no name. The tapes don’t lie. He was a coward and saved his own skin. He has every right to do that but at least own it and accept the consequences.

He’s a known forum troll dude. Just dont take the bait because nothing he says is in good faith. It’s not worth the effort.

Besides, this topic is old news. No need to beat this dead horde any further.


wrong, he turned around and helped. it’s not his fault they stopped running to fight the mobs again. it’s not his fault they pulled 20 mobs and a boss. it’s not his fault they pulled another pack on the way out. he didnt call run or even think to do so until THEY called to run. he still stopped to help and casted some CC. Rgoue did nothing, just stood there and watched.

Pirate is doing fine, he’s got 25,000 more subs than the top Onlyfangs streamer. they just hate him cause they aint him.

post your D3 name, coward. following me around like a lost puppy from another forum holding a grudge because i didn’t aree with one of your terrible posts.

full hp and no frost barrier is a 1 shot death. I would have let them die too. Very bad grp with many f ups

Can some one make a youtube recording of this one sentence? I would use it on my guildie :slight_smile: