Do you really like elves in the horde?

Elves on the Horde are fine. You’ll just find a couple of Alliance on the forum that absolutely hate that the Horde got the best and prettiest elves. They think all that is pretty is their property.


best at being the worst that is.

Wow, you’re so cool for hating elves. Hating on popular things is so cool :roll_eyes:

This thread is so dumb. Blood Elves didn’t join the Alliance, get over it it’s been over 10 years.


stating a fact really.
blood elves have made goblins look like holy saints tbh…

I like elves in the horde because then there’s less in the alliance :slight_smile:

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Horrible mistake number 1: the Horde is no longer tribal.

if it were, you’d have to kick yourself out.

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I like the Sin’dorei being in the Horde.

How else can I channel my inner Lord Garithos (who literally did nothing wrong btw) when I kill Blood Elf paladins?

poster is a human paladin. checks out


ok zandalari with your reused model lookin’ self.

its better to have a reused model that looks good rather than an original model that looks bad imo


We literally look the best in plate armor lmao.

Zandalari are literally :recycle: race

no need to be jealous if you do the reps you too can be a zandalari

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Nah, I’m not jealous.

Just pity you for grinding menial world quests for a recycled, whoops, I mean “allied” race.

gonna end this before it gets crazy…

Zandalari have worts, no one likes worts.

paladins are walking night lights.

only children like em.

good night.

I think that way you see a tribe is far too limited. A tribe is a social division in a traditional society. If you think about the schism that happened with the handful of High elves that didn’t return to Quel’thalas, the definition applies to Blood Elves just fine. You’re conflating “tribe” with “less developed” or “primitive in the eyes of some” it seems, as you consider the Forsaken to not be a tribe either.

Also, the Horde was never about that concept of “tribes”, was about uniting out of necessity; Trolls joined because they were being hunted down by Naga and humans, Tauren did because of their conflict with the centaur, Forsaken because Thrall wanted presence in the Eastern Kingdoms and because they were in a conflict with the scarlet crusade, Blood elves because they needed a way into Outland and the Scourge was still around and to top it all off, they had to deal with Alliance spies and saboteurs.

They fit perfectly.


seem pretty jealous to me. maybe you should do some world quests and unlock the zandalari. you’ll feel better imo

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It’s way too late in the xpac for anyone to be actually doing WQs these days which is a strange thing to be “jealous” about, but I’ll take you up on the offer once I get my Lightforged and get another good paladin race in.

Edit: I will admit though, I cry tears of joy when I see a Zandalari paladin out there instead of a Blood Elf. Hopefully you can replace them all with a superior race.

I would agree with Horde races as a whole being ‘chaotic’, particularly if we use the DnD alignment definition. But I do not agree that they are wholly evil. Very present individuals and their followers have been but not whole races. Even if you look at the Forsaken, there are those who do not agree with the evil acts that have been committed.

The Horde is underdogs and outcasts, in effect every race aside from maybe the Tauren has shown selfishness at one point or another.

As for aesthetics, every race has different aesthetics. Even amongst the Alliance. It’s part of making them distinguishable.

On the note of ‘pretty’, well that’s subjective. As you can see I have blood elves, but I also have multiples of other Horde races. I like all the models, and in fact I think Troll females are more attractive personally. So, you already have pretty.

I disagree with you wholeheartedly, and I’m tired of this particular trope.

I read this about halfway through and stopped when I realized that there’s just a bunch of “BE’s are snots/uppity/etc…”

That’s why I think some people just don’t like them. They remind some players of high school days or some other situation where they were the misfit.

As for evil, Idk. You’re right about survival though, OP.