Do you really hate gnomes?

What I find disgusting is your need of eating humanoids of short stature. Are you Saturn or something?

It’s really more the hate. Gnomes are about as necessary as incest to the survival of a species. Just degenerative and a spiral down to failure and extinction.

It should be that gnomes get squished dead when a Tauren or Highmountain steps on a gnome, with the corpse stuck on the hooves. The tradeoff is it slows the Tauren by 5% per gnome stepped on, and lasts for 30 seconds or until the gnome resurrects.

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“Do you really hate gnomes?”


no…I think theyre unlikeable.
Well, except for the female gnome warrior tanks who are good for a chuckle in dungeons

Nope. Gnomes are cool. The issue stems mainly from people embracing them as a trollish character.

I like Gnomes. They’re cute and cuddly. But they’re overly ambitious and think they’re smarter than everyone. Apparently they do pretty bad things.

I still wanna know wth did Millhouse Manastorm to do get himself locked up by the Naaru and wth did Millificent do to get herself locked up by the Kirin Tor.

My favorite addition from BfA is the wall-mounted gnome head in a lone hut in the northwest corner of zuldazar.

But no matter how much i hate gnomes, I thank the Loa every day that they’re not Lalafells from ffxiv. Those abominations are actual walking talking baby dolls whose every animation kindles a raging inferno of hatred.

I hate their insufferable (male) /lol and /train emotes.

Other than that, they’re okay.

Nope, don’t hate gnomes…especially the ones who give out yummy cookies.

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but ya i will be honest, i am okay with gnomes.
however, i will not trust a gnome gang who hangs around a bridge or a tavern entrance… not ever again…
i lost a pair of good pants to them… the best kind of pants too, the kind that has many pockets.

they were cargo pants.

They’re ok.

I tried playing a gnome once and while I was watching them idle I noticed that the males blink one eye at a time. It kinda creeped me out so I stopped. The men are really creepy but like chromie.

I have 4 gnomes that are safe from the stock pot and one really isn’t a gnome .

1: Grumbles because he provides cookies.
2: Gnomest because she has the best rp mog
3: Addie Fizzlebog because she was my main hunter companion and is running my Hunter’s Hall operations .
4: Chromie.

All others sorry but mirepoix jacuzzi is ready

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Did someone mention THE GNOMES!?

They were looking for your chili fries!

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but why take my pants?

I don’t hate gnomes, but I hate junker gnomes. I would be incredibly disappointed if the next Alliance allied race turned out to be gnomes with junk on them. If anything that should be customization options, not its own race.

Good point…

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this is why if i see a group of gnomes on a bridge, i will kick them off, or if i see them blocking a tavern entrance.

i either step over them, or pick them up and move them out of the away.

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There are only two kinds of Gnomes I don’t hate. Female Gnomes and Grumbles.