Do you really hate gnomes?

I find people tend to be really on either side. Strong hate or love. Having been in a guild led by two Gnomes I definitely love em, they usually people who are very friendly behind them.

Have yet to see ‘Grumpy’ or depressed Gnome yet.

I don’t hate Gnomes, I hate that Wow has pretty much used them as nothing more than a joke from day 1.



How much we talking?

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Four o’s worth apparently.


As i’ve said before, I will never create a Gnome or Tauren. They just aren’t my type of playstyle, and Dwarves barely fit into my type too, but I had to be one for my Shaman

I’m fine with most of the other races, but Undead are actually my very favorite Race and also my first race for years

More of a meme really. I adore small women so naturally I adore gnomes and goblins. I’d punt a gnome if they ever annoyed me enough, but never just because.

That’s a lot of O’s.

I think I would be tired for days after that many.


Well we have no use for them really! they are about as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle!

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No one hates Gnomes, it’s not their fault they look like tasty nerd chucky’s

But… we have beards! I mean, it’s no where near as glorious as Dwarf beards, but it’s a beard.

I just think of the last season of Boston Legal and the joke about the midget lady.

But I like Gnomes! They go good with some Fava Beans and a nice Chianti.

They’re viewed as some sort of a sideshow; a circus freak, if you will.

I like their lore, they’re actually the only democracy in WoW.

I don’t like their appearance, their heads seem to big and they move weird.

The gnome leader is aweshum though!

You gotta eat yer chili fries before you eat them cookies…
hands chili fries

if yer feelin like its too much, i offer salads as a side options, but that has meat in it too.


I would say 40% joke, 60% genuine disgust.

Wink wink :wink:

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I dont hate them per say… especially not the People who play them, i just don’t care for them in game… its usually comic relief and mechagon gnomes are just… scary lookin.

I hate male gnomes because their dance is deeply disturbing.

Female gnomes are kind of cute, though.

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You’re absolutely right, I can’t go without those chili fries!

wags tail and digs in

Salads are ok, but yes-they need meat too. :green_salad::poultry_leg:

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