Do you play wow at 4k or 2k?

I play at 4k but wondering how much better performance i would get if i played at 1440p ? i have a gtx 1080 ti and it holds it own but would raids be better at 1440p?

4k has to render more than twice the amount of pixels as 1440p, so you would see a performance boost. Not having that GPU I can’t say exactly how much it would be though. Best way to find out is just do some testing at different resolutions and see.

I’m on a 2080 RTX and never even thought to try ‘4k’. I play at 1440 ultra settings and am usually either capped in fps, or no lower than 80.

Very different from when I used to play on a Mac Powerbook and rarely topped 20 fps on low-mid settings…


Try it and see OP.

I play at 120 resolution with 12 fps get at me bro


1080 :slight_smile:


I have a 1080 and play @ 4k. I have to keep anti-aliasing off to get 60 fps in raids (and Ardenwield), other than that everything can be cranked up.

Now that I think about it, shadows may be set to high instead of ultra as well.

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I get horrible fps and play on a potato


How many Ks does a potato have? Not one of those nice sweet potatoes, a plain old spud.


I am at 640 x 480 - 256 colors!



Can’t imagine the abysmal fps you’d get playing 4k on a 1080 unless all settings are at the lowest. I’m struggling to break past 60 fps playing 1440p on a 2070 super. Then again this is WoW which isn’t as gpu intensive.

I run WoW with custom settings at 1440p with a 1080 and I just cap my FPS at 144 and don’t really go low unless I spam epidemic on Sire :joy: I’m also running multiple 1440p monitors and using an 8700k if that helps or not.

A 1080ti and a good cpu should run WoW at 4k no problem just adjust your settings to what you are comfortable with.

1440p 144/165hz > 4k 60 imo

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What CPU (and how much RAM) do you have?

I have a 1080 and get solid 60 fps at 4k with settings on 10, shadows on high and no anti aliasing.

I’m running a current generation i7 and 16GB for comparison.

I’ve yet to find a monitor that’s better than my 1440p for the money.

8 bit is what real men play at

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1920x1080 75HZ
get 60-70FPS on full max settings.

You’ll gain frames dropping down to 1440, where it will probably become more cpu bound. Lose the MSAA if you run it. Even with a 10850k/3080, cranking out MSAA with ultra particle effects can still draw in some serious frame drops for me, especially doing revendreth 2x4 BoE farming with a great group. The 1080Ti is still a pretty damn good GPU.

Using the AW3418DW monitor (2k ultrawide). I have preferred this over any 4k monitor I own.

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Unless WoW was designed to support 4k, not sure what your eyes will see. And is there a lower option than 2k because /reasons.

bruh im on a 1920 x 1080 monitor