Do you play GW2? Why or why not?

My best friend was obsessed with GW2 when it first came out, and I joined for a good while in it. I finished the base game and really enjoyed the leveling and exploration factors, completing every jumping puzzle and Vista on the map. It was fun.

And then…I realized the end game was a tragic mess. Without the holy trinity, encounters were a cluster. The dodge roll felt pointless with ranged attacks just chasing you down anyway, and all of the heals were on such a long cool down that it felt frustrating to stay alive. There weren’t a lot of utility defensive, either. And there was just…nothing for longevity. If I wanted to transmog, I had to buy a token from the store. When mounts and gliders came out, the skins were all on the store. If I wanted more characters, store. I kept getting those stupid chest drops, and the keys were on the store. At every point, I found things were only available in the store, while the end game was just boring.

About the third year of the Halloween jumping puzzle tower, I realized this game plays best as an RPG that you return to to complete the story for an expansion, but that otherwise it’s not really a fun, long term MMO. Which is a shame, I did actually love my Mesmer.



And the current version is much improved over what it used to be.

They have better class design, better story since the new team took over a few years back (between first and second expansion), better combat, better raids, better strike missions, and the ‘fractals’ are more fun than the M+ system here.

And no Torghast.

No Mary Sue NPCs around whom all the cutscenes revolve while your own character feels like a pointless extra.

Only really in WoW because I’m in a relative’s guild and we raid regularly. GW2 in 2021 is a vastly better game that it used to be, and notably more enjoyable than WoW is currently.

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I had been playing for 6 months until I cleared all raid and got nothing to do.

Not enough gearing, I know they’ve made gear matter more, but not enough.

So no, I don’t play.

It has a ‘trinity’ in raids. Has had that now for about 6 years or so.

I did, and enjoyed it for the most part - one of the most poignant moments in any MMO was the Cleansing of Orr quest , dunno if they nerfed it by the time this video came out but when I did it I remember feeling a sense of being overwhelmed in a desperate struggle to protect the ritual as waves of enemies came at my character.

Unfortunately though it has one of the most enjoyable personal storylines of any MMo iv ever played it falls flat in group content, turns out its main selling point of breaking away from the holy trinity of classes was a terrible idea. Still, have no regrets for the time I did spend playing it.


How long has it been since you looked?

The game has changed radically since the second expansion. Though trinity based combat was added when they added raids in the first expansion.

It was a little too late for me to be interested. The lack of it killed the end game for me for the beginning of its life, and once I fell out of the game, it feels nearly impossible to return to now.

The raid encounters are the only time (outside of PvP) I felt like they truly designed around the combat system, personally. They’re great, and at their greatest, better than WoW’s (I don’t say that with any exaggeration; I love WoW’s raid encounters), but sadly, the vast majority of PvE combat in the game just doesn’t live up to that potential.

When you get all the pieces playing into one another, all the combo moves, different types of attack and all, and healing classes to make everything feel a little less chaotic: it’s cool as hell. It’s just a shame that the only place you can really see that is in raids, and rather dead PvP modes.

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Used to play a lot, but since I already finished its content, I occasionally login there. It is a great collect-a-ton game, but if you want to experience any high-end game pve you will be sorely disappointed by the developer’s decision to refuse the holy trinity model.

Eventually, they implemented raids, which are doable with pseudo holy trinity builds made by players. The community can be even more elitist than WOW’s and will refuse you on the spot if you are running anything other than benchmarked builds.

It is a thing that happens since the game release though as if you wanted to go some dungeons you need to be a berserker gear type for example. if you wanted to WvW the groups will filter certain classes as others are preferable due to buff, debuff stacking and area control/poke.

LS story are sometimes hit or miss as initially they were more focused on making checkmarks on diversity since they stopped hiring the main cast of the story.

I also would like to add it has the best leveling/mount/exploration systems I ever experienced in an MMO and you might find yourself addicted to completing the current map you are in, or you can simply level up by leveling professions. The professions here are miles ahead of WoW as well since you can level them and swap between then at a cost while keeping two active and without losing anything learned.


Long…long long long time, like they just introduced the first expansionlong time ago. Reinstalled it a few years ago but didnt play long enough to get into anything really, hard to keep up with two MMo’s especially with WoW annually sucking out chunks of cash for new shiny expansions.

The combat is fun for a bit but I just could not get into the world. The gold hearts you have to fill up are the most mundane things and the only good quests are the story quests that you get every 10 or so levels.

I will say PvP is insane in that game with all the combos you can make, but other than that it’s really hard to get fully invested.


tldr = play wow if you’re into raid, m+, or pvp. play gw2 if you like to quest, explore, and lvl

i love healing keys in wow, but kinda hate the rest of the game. gw2 is where i enjoy the day to day gameplay

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GW2 is a great game but a terrible MMORPG. I got to level 80 and it was fun experience, but then I realized I was level capped and in BiS and I have never talked or interacted with anyone. It’s the loneliest MMO I have ever played.

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GW2 is old news. No good anymore.

Only good MMORPGs right now are WoW, ESO, and FFOnline.

EVE Online. But if you like WoW and ESO you probably wouldn’t like EVE.

I played GW2 when it launched and the lack of endgame is what eventually bored me out. Doing WvW became meaningless when you spent all day taking castles and then go to bed only to have the night people take it back without any contest. If your server didn’t have 24/7 coverage you couldn’t win.

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I play it every once in a while. I do make sure to log on and get the LW stories, and I usually collect the daily chest, and sell everything once or twice a month. There just aren’t obvious goals outside of achievement completion, PvP which I just can’t get into, and raiding which I’ve found to be more toxic than WoW’s. It just can’t hold my attention now that I’ve got one of everything maxed out.

I jumped on it when it released, got to max level did a couple high end raid things, found out it was a boring mess and wasn’t at all what they said it was supposed to be, requested a refund after having played for like a month, got it, and never played it again.

Lol at calling WoW a “good” MMO.