Played it in the beta (it was reaaaaaaaaaaaal bad) and played it somewhat after launch…fought Molag Bal or whatever his name was and found out I had to do it again masquerading as another faction this time around or some nonsense. Dropped it and haven’t touched it since.
My brother is real big into it on console though. Mainly just duels and does that lame open world PvP. He was doing some challenge mode single person “hardmode” boss fight that seemed so repetitive and mechanically simple it wouldn’t maybe only challenge a wow LFR only player but the way he acted it was like the hardest content known to man (and boy was he lucky the mother was not around to hear the words coming out of his mouth when he mess up and die…).
This pretty much. Right now is one of the only times during the year that pvp in cyrodiil is actually fun. Pvers join in for the mid year mayhem event and you can take them down pretty easy. Since it’s a pvp holiday event they actually fix a lot of the lag issues in cyrodiil and it’s a lot smoother. I’ve been playing a stamcro argonian vamp and just been sniping everyone. In the no cp campaign no one has defense against DoTs so the venum set and deadly strike set work well together, plus you can take out giant zergs with the vicious death set, pvers clump together and make it super easy. Unfortunately this time of year only happens twice and for 12 days each time.
I am at the moment yes. I am really enjoying it a month in.
I am liking it. It is immersive. I crank the graphics and sound. It encourages exploration of the world and the quests are the best I have seen in a mmo. I have also purchased a small house and am decorating it.
I have ran a few dungeons. It is pretty fun although I would say WoW is better in that aspect. I honestly cannot tell what the hell is going on in ESO dungeons lol. Maybe its too fast paced for me or something.
I also never see me playing an alt in ESO. The whole game feels like a one time deal to me.
I could see myself playing for probably around 4-6 months until I get higher level. I have a feeling at that point it might be same old boring mmo grind for minimal gains so will tap out around then.
Its just nice playing a mmo and feeling like you are exploring and not on a hamster wheel doing boring chorea all the time.
I think for me at this point I am going to start a new mmo, get to the endgame, then quit to avoid grind drudgery.
Tried it and decided very quickly that it wasn’t for me. It felt like a console game ported to pc. All the races looked like they same virtual model but with different faces.
Combat was awful.
I’m sure some people would debate me but it was the only MMO that I tried where I couldn’t get past a few hours playing.
If you haven’t already, SWTOR is hands down the best leveling MMO out there. Each of the 8 main classes has their own unique leveling story, and all of the quests are voiced. It’s really good. After 50 it starts going down hill, but the launch stories are pretty great.
Not a big fan of ESO, but this is wrong forum to ask. WoW community is like LoL or CoD community.
They don’t know what is rpg games, they never played in Planescape Torment, Fallout 2, Baldur’s Gate and many, many more.
ESO is bad MMO game but good RPG game if you ingore lootboxes and game store (is addon to disable them and remove icons from game).
I also do want to say what alot of other people are saying that even though I am really enjoying it now, the game does have this wierd offputting vibe to it when you first play it. It did grow on me though. Also I really enjoy crafting.
Another downside is the animations. They are really bad. Pity as at max graphics settings I personally find this game amazing looking. But the animations leave much to be desired.
Class system is very open ended. Some will love it, some will hate it. Because I am pretty casual it does not bother me much, but could see it being a pain to min/max.
I tried back when it first released, I did like it, but then I realized I lack the willpower to start investing in another MMO and that’s pretty much why I decided to not stick to it.