Do you like heritage armor?

Heritage armor is cool right?

I love how most of it looks and someone I wish they did was go a little deeper and add in more sets! Class specific would be awesome.

A friend of mine showed me an incredible artist that designed some class/race specific heritage sets and I thought they were amazing.

So how would you guys feel about more sets?

Down below is the artists page to see what hes made.


I like it.

See :smiley:


I want matching heritage weapons.


Oh! I follow Handclaw on Twitter. I love seeing his work progress as he posts it on there. He’s made some absolutely gorgeous sets.

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Nightborne heritage weapons pretty please


I like it. I mix-match it with other items for transmog.

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Heritage class and race armor is such a cool concept. Anything beats the terrible system we have now. One set of gear for kind of armor… boring


I’ve known Handclaw’s work for quite some time. His racial class sets are very amazing. Alas, it’s really unlikely that we will ever see something like this in the game.

As for Blizzard’s official heritage sets, I feel like the last few ones (worgen, goblin, mechagnome, vulpera) had a drop in quality compared to the early ones. Can’t define what I feel is wrong, it’s just that they do not seem as special.

It would be nice if Blizzard could at least release the heritage weapons and armor recolors that are already in the game files, but unavailable, like the dark iron, nightborne and void elf weapons, or the recolors for nightborne and lightforged sets, as well as the silver/rusted variants for mechagnome armors.

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Heritage armor is great. I wish other races had it just so I have an excuse to level them post legion.

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You just made this post so that you can see me in mine didn’t you OP?

Well here you go


Heritage armor is awesome, it was a great idea. Just wish they made the weapons available too. I’m looking forward to the remaining seven, might not be till Shadowlands though.


I just wish it was sort of a feat of strength for say doing all the quest lines associated with that race, i love the armors but they just don’t feel as rewarding based on the ease of access

Yes, give me flashy shiny weapons too! Anything to distract from the awful job you did implementing PC Nightborne. It’s gotten to meme status. You know in the War Campaign finale, Thalyssra is standing with a bunch of NPC Nightborne and guess which model they use! :pensive::pensive:

I second this. There are icons in the game data, for instance, for void elf weapons and shields - and, like Lunatiel wants, for Nightborne ones, too. The problem I have with the Nightborne set in particular (my Nightborne is, of course, a mage) is that nothing seems to feel right with it.

Come to think of it, having just gotten my mechagnome heritage, there seems to be a limited number of mecha-weapons, too. We only have little one-handed chainswords, for instance. Give us a two-handed chainsword!


I like parts of each set. But as a whole no i don’t like any of the full sets.

I prefer to mog by mixing parts to create something new.

i absolutely love that art work. all that armor is better than anything we’ve gotten in bfa

it’s cool but what i heavily dislike about it is that they are very basic in terms of class design. take for example the dwarf one. it looks more for plate wearers such as warriors or paladins. but dwarves could be other things too such as a mage, lock, etc… and the heritage armor doesn’t fit in with those classes.

i personally wished they did more models for the heritage armour like they do with raiding armour where each one has it’s own set like cloth, leather, etc…

overall though yea they look pretty good/okay depending which race you are and your taste. i really like the tauren one and belf one.

Some of them look great, some eeeeh.

And then some look good, but are similar to other ones already in game, like the Mag’har. The warfront stuff and the garrison sets both feel similar, though I do admit the Mag’har one looks like a vastly upgraded version of the idea.

I like it, especially the blood elf one :slight_smile:

I don’t like the fact that you have to level up an allied race to get it. If I race change my main, I have to level up another character I don’t wanna play just to get the armor. Not a very fun way to unlock something.