Do YOU Have Pathfinder?

Do you? Note that this isn’t really a Pathfinder discussion thread in terms of whether or not it should exist, but rather a thread about your own personal progression or lack there of.

If the answer is yes, do you have Pathfinder for all of the expansions or just one or two?

If the answer is no, is it because you don’t have the time, or you don’t have the desire?

I currently have Pathfinder for both Draenor and Broken Isles, and I’m currently working on Pathfinder Part 1 for Battle for Azeroth.

Yes, BFA Pathfinder earned on 8/29. I also have both of the previous pathfinder achievements in full.


Draenor (Yes. It was utterly horrendous, disgusting multi-drug resistant tuberculosis AIDS cancer. Never again do I want to step foot in Tanaan jungle to farm elites for hours.)

Legion (Yes, wasn’t too bad except for Wardens rep.)

BFA (Part 1, yes, again wasn’t too bad except for Tortollans rep.)


Yes to all. It’s not really that hard.


I have pathfinder for all of the pathfinder-enabled expansions (to the extent available).

I am up to date on all pathfinders and waiting for part two so I can fly again.


Yes. I have all of them as far as I am able.



I have all 3.

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That’s what I’ve been noticing too. The Pathfinder requirements seem to become more and more streamlined with each expansion.


I’ve completed every Pathfinder that can be completed at this point.

All have all of them that are available in-game. Obviously, waiting for Part 2 when 8.2 releases.

I do think that given how long since WoD, they should reduce the treasure finding requirement for the Draenor one. It’s just drudgery for the sake of nonsense.

Yes, got WoD and Legion while they were current. Got BfA P1 I think maybe a month and half after release? Took my time with it.


I have Pathfinder in Draenor Legion and BFA so far.

I have all past and current pathfinder achievs. But I have to admit I probably only do because I played through and got them when they were all current. If I were a new player starting the game after one or more of them, there’s a good chance I probably not do in any kind of short term way. Maaaaybe if I’m super bored in current content at the end of expansion waiting for next expansion, I might backtrack. But I would certainly not make an effort to get it while trying to level through the content.

That’s the major thing a lot of “I had to do it, so should you” people miss. It was significantly easier for you to do it when you were already doing most of it as current content.

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To be honest, if they made it so you just pay for Draenor pathfinder and make the other pathfinders grindable then I’d have no issue tbh.

The things we do now to get pathfinder isn’t that bad. However, Draenor on the other hand was pure undiluted and extreme garbage.

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I have Pathfinder for Legion and BFA Part I. I will have Part 2 when it arrives in due time. WoD Pathfinder I been meaning to grind, but I dislike & cringe every-time I visit.

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I still think that if you achieve pathfinder in one expansion, it should apply to previous pathfinders as well. No real point in making people do the horrible Tanaan rep grind two expacs later, just so they can more easily level alts.


I’m still against the concept of “Paying for Pathfinder”. That’s an achievement a lot of people worked really hard to get. That said, I also wouldn’t be against people being able to pay 25k gold per max level character to obtain flying :slight_smile:

It really came across as their grudging spite against the people who made them put flying back into the game. It took them forever just to finally release it, and my wife and I both were unsubscribed right up until the pre-Legion launch.


Didn’t feel like it was something I needed to rush to complete, since, well, its kind of useless for at least another 6 months, but I’ll get it before it matters.