Do you have a "thing" on the forums?

I like to promote positivity, imagination and thinking outside of the box.

I’ve noticed that people tend to stick rigidly to boxes and lanes, creating echo chambers of uniformity.

In this day and age, people’s imaginations have atrophied and it’s sad.

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Since I am a WRA resident, sometimes my RP leak into my posts, but not often.

I also like to slip in a /silly or too. The “Ugh, I hate thunderbluff; you can’t find a good burger anywhere.” get a fair bit of mileage.

Oh, Lovefool cracks me up often. :slight_smile:

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No, though i’m tempted to make a Karen named character just so people get to speak about a Karen on the “Person above you” threads.

I don’t like being called out like this.

Lore stuff and faction division is an easy way to get me involved. I’ve got strong opinions about the story so I always tend to share them. Causes me to butt heads with a lot of folks.

Also bringing back Mage Tower skins tends to get me going.

I love all the DK’s and harassing the Paladins.

I am the Arakkoa lady.
Hater of Sylvanas, Champion of Gnomes, and all-around condescending jaded healer who just wants to play a regal bird person.

The ones where sick people want gnomes in orgrimmar.

Yes I RP sometimes, someone has to defend the representation of us Belf’s. I have been told I’m a little sarcastic. Im usually anti-panda…send them all to the zoo. I tire quickly of the repetitive and non-simulating topics ie: Cor-Virus, Flying, essences, etc. Why beat a dead horse? Be creative, think outside of the box, most posters are quite creative and ingenious.

Generally, I’ll be the guy to weigh in on new ideas that get suggested.

I like to encourage creativity (unlike some others) and explore ideas further.

I have noticed, on these forums, that creativity gets quashed quickly by the same cast of characters. Over and over.

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I rp alot, and it drives people insane! :crazy_face: I am known for my pointless topics and posts, and i’ve gotten banned twice. I am slowly building a reputation here on the forums, and I’m actually starting to recognize people such as Averyx, Chelleybee, and Lovefool! Oh and Startastic. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I almost forgot, I have a distinct tendency to rp a wolf and favor worgen! :wolf: :wolf: :wolf:

apparently anything that can get me another bogus ‘trolling’ suspension.

I try to be positive and polite. RP here and there for humor. My humor is mostly sarcastic but not aimed at anyone in particular just the idea and even at myself. It bothers me to see people going at each other and will try to lighten the mood if possible or point something out.

/shrug Just doing what I can were it might be most useful.
(Trying to be polite has caused me to delete more posts and text then that counter can probably get to. hahaha)

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I’m just a weird person. Sometimes the weirdness comes out when I’m posting. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


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I like to say things that are funny to me (and literally no one else) and avoid serious topics because this is a video game and it should be fun and not stressful :slight_smile:


How do you do all those gifs? I can never figure it out. I’d say that’s your trademark.