Do you have a social life?

I have friends from school and work, but I barely got time to hang out with them because I am busy with work, and even in the weekends, I have some tasks to do with my family. And many of my friend’s schedules conflict with my own even on the weekends. Luckily with the rare 3 day weekend on Columbus Day on Monday (I have a day off that day), maybe I could do some things.

How’s yours?

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Don’t really have one.

My entire adult life my social interactions has been my parents (which have passed away), my husband, my child now that she’s an adult* and my coworkers.

Ever since I graduated high school, I stopped having friends. I’m not sure if that’s because of the way I was raised (in the middle of no where) or I’m naturally a hermit.

And I’m not one of those people that’s scared of a crowd or meeting new people. I have no problem walking up to a group of people and saying “sup?”

*Wanted to clarify: I didn’t ignore her while she was growing up. I had 100% custody. I just didn’t consider her someone I could talk to about adult things until she became an adult and could somewhat understand what the hell I’m talking about :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nope just a social outcast

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Not in real life. Agoraphobia and all. But I love all my online friends.

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Autistic recluse here

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on rare occasions kinda sorta but not really always been a lone wolf

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I came to these forums several years ago as an experiment. In summary, I’m terrified of intimacy, sexual and otherwise due to severe childhood trauma, so making friends at a deeper level can be very terrifying for me and I thought socializing on a forum might be easier, but I was wrong.

I blame no one but myself.

I’m back only for entertainment purposes. To playfully troll and be trolled, get a few laughs, etc., but not to make friends. That door is closed and sealed. My apologies to anyone I might have hurt during this experiment.

I “reactivated” Selosse so people can know the actual person behind the avatar and decide to /ignore me or not. It’s more respectful to people than hiding behind different avatar.

So, no friends in real life and no friends here on WoW by choice.

so there it is…wow just wow


Well if you do decide to have wow friends / forum friends etc Dragula#1137 is my battle tag. Dragula_uwu is my discord too.

If not, i understand completely and i hope all goes well. :slight_smile:

I appreciate the offer, but no. That door is closed for real life and online. I’ve seen some of your posts and I know you are a very nice person but no I can’t chance it again. Thank you for reaching out.

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I understand completely and thank you.

You’re welcome for reaching out and it’s there for all now then :smiley: . I throw my btag and discord around everywhere XD

Hope all goes well and I’ll end with a cute fox!

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people who use others for entertainment are the worst who do things like fake hardshipsand start drama that is not even true just makes this place that much worse
for thows who are suffering in silence its not a joke or entertainment its just grose


I agree. I don’t think it’s funny to mess with people and record it. I have no idea why anyone thinks that’s funny.

And the fake hardship thing is why I will never and have never donated any money to a GoFundMe campaign. The few (or not so few) have ruined it for the many. Too many scams out there. I have even ignored a family member’s GoFundMe request. If they need money, they can pick up the phone and call me. I’ll give it to them if I think it’s a good cause. But send me a link? That goes right into the trash.

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Dupers Delight

Quite a few reasons for that kinda stuff

Sure, you listed reasons people do it, but not reasons why people think it’s funny. I think embarrassing and harassing people while secretly filming them is appalling. I’ve always felt this way (even before cell phones made it 100x easier) and refused to watch shows like Candid Camera.

And that was a rhetorical statement. I know people in this world have a very warped sense of humor.

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most of the time it’s just ignorant foolish young people but i was talking more along the lines of fake people who don’t even really have the sense or self awareness to even realise there are just digging themselves a hole

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Sometimes folks are just psychopaths.

Or they’re just conditioned to find certain things funny over time. Kinda like how in the past I used to watch gore videos. ( Protip yall: Don’t do that ) I cut that habit a few years ago but oh boy are some parts of my brain just stained afterwards.

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i will come back here to this post and fill in some blanks, too your apology is not accepted and you have yet again just switch to a alt just carry on you can’t even respect the folks whom you’ve trolled to just be done with it

you are the worst kinda person i ever met a lot of what you actually did i can’t every post about and all you can do is come here and try to act like you’re a victim of some kind
and its so odveus you come here with your crap after my post just to stir up all the crap again

I have friends from school and work too but I constantly get into mental conflicts with them so I prefer to be alone. I don’t work and haven’t had long-term employment lasting over 4 months in a decade. I used to look forward to the weekends when I was in K-12, but since graduating I kind of treat every day as a weekend, which makes it feel like there are no more weekends. I do have a social life.

Does playing virtual TTRPGs count?