The most socializing I do is on forums and with family. I don’t like people that much, but I love forum people.
Hello Nori,
I thought I would reply to your post to set the record straight. First, I never did the things you are accusing me of even though you and everyone you spoke to about it will not believe me. That’s fine, but I have to post this for your sake so that you can either believe me or not your choice.
Many years ago, you accused me of sharing something private about you on the forums. I never did that. You posted about that subject publicly and you forgot that you posted it in public. I tried to tell you that you posted it publicly, but you would not listen. You then proceeded to trash my name all over the forums. So I dropped you as a friend.
I left the forums for quite some time and when I got back, you replied to me in a post that you knew would be 404’ed. You said, “I will not be your punching bag anymore” which confused me, but whatever I just let it go. My only reply was giving you a LIKE in that lounge just to let you know I was aware of your presence and did not have you on ignore.
As to the terrible things you claim I did, I have no idea what you are talking about, but after much thought about it, and your claim that I made fun of a medical condition you have, I think I know what happened. I fell and hit my head really hard and it gave me a vertigo incident due to those little crystals in our ears came loose so it throws off balance. I mentioned it in a thread about Dragon Riding and how it might cause issues for some people. My vertigo is gone and I’m back to normal.
Other than the above, I have no idea what happened to you.
So, for the record, I did nothing to you and I would ask you to leave me alone. Live your life and I’ll live mine and the two shall never meet again.
Does that include watching forum drama? Asking for a friend.
Not much of one but I’ll spare you the details. I never had many real legitimate friends only four that come to mind. And they live in different states some 1000 miles away. We tried keeping in touch but new marriages birth of kids (their part not me I have non kids) things just got complicated.
I still have acquaintances but they are not friends really.
But such is life. I have a good family.
Alas, my friends are married and I rarely get to see them any more.
One can only socialize(I.E. visit someone’s house, have someone visit your house or talk to someone at a restaurant or food court or mall or other building) if one knows a person’s phone number(due to being related to them, working with them, going to school with them, being introduced to them or having introduced oneself to them), address or likes to chat to random people at Food Courts or Restaurants.
I alas dare not trouble random people at Restaurants or Food Courts so my socializing is limited.
Used to back in school life and at work . Once I moved away from public work the only social life I get is from fam and relatives I meet over the year. Friends and colleagues all moved on . My local gym hardly anybody talks and I stopped going to pubs for better health .
Gaming was great in the 90s you met ppl in arcades , cybercafes and invited friends to play with ps1 or segas . Now with better tech its all online, doesn’t feel the same.
your entire message here is a lie you cant just come back and troll and try to rewrite history