Posts about healers and particularly posts regarding play style preferences/performance - nobody ever really ever is interested in Resto Druid in significant numbers. I don’t get it!
To me, it is second nature and I don’t think I’ll ever be as comfy with another class. I usually stick to lfr and timewalking until S4 for aug runes, but my runs are smooth and I never need mana. We rarely die and I just enjoy my class and the difficulty level. Just some fun, ez good times.
Does everyone have like… a core class that is innately YOU and is like riding a bike, you may take a break for years but you’ll pick it right back up when you return. It is always my default and I never understand the complaints about the class honestly lol.
If you don’t like Resto Druid or prefer other healers, I’d like to hear why - it helps me learn other healers and it’s my favorite role. Shout out to my fellow casual healers.
But yea, just was thinking and I wondered if anyone else just has a default class that they love no matter what. It just clicks!
I play shaman. It’s elemental my dear watson
Default class is defiantly Paladin, they can pretty much do anything.
DK is my go to class.
…though deep inside of me stirs the rage of a warrior that has not seen the light of day since 2009.
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I pretty much always just play DK in retail. In classic its warrior and shaman. My second character is nearly always a warlock (and I raided on a warlock in vanilla/tbc).
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Warrior has always been my go to default. Close second would probably be Ret pal.
Destruction and Brewmaster are two specs that I have been playing since they were implemented. Destruction has changed some over the years, but I’ve been doing them for so long that I can play them while zoning out. It’s almost second nature, like you said.
Those are my two at least.
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Yes, but the wow version of my go to is skewed askew
Default is Pally. If it wasn’t for the mogs I would have gone Druid since they have everything - tank, healer, rdps, melee. Resto sucks with their passive healing. Priests for the win. As long as I like Pally, can’t stand Holy being melee healers. Hugging the boss and then running like a chicken because of no range to heal some ranged dps.
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i picked up rdruid out of an impulsive decision and i loved it il never play any other healer inthis game
I haven’t played Resto Druid since SL, and the main reason was that while incredibly fun, and enjoyable, it NEVER held close to other healers, namely… my Holy Paladin.
Has that changed?
Because I would jump back on it, but I really don’t like support of support roles in this game.
Paladin. Prot/Ret. Been playing since 'nilla. While I enjoy my alts, nothing ever scratches the itch like Paladin.
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Warlock 90% of the time. Just needed a change of pace this xpac.
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Druid because I can always get into at least a couple specs
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Default healer? Shaman. It’s the lazy person’s healing class. Double Earth Shield, Riptide burst/heal over time, Healing Stream totem, no target Chain Heal, Cleansing Totem, Tremor Totem.
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My defaults/mains are either hunter or monk depending on my mood but have dabbled with all the classes
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I have always been a resto druid at heart, but I took about 10 years off after wotlk and the druid of today is very different. I still like it, but it feels a little awkward.
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Never really play BrM ever except a handful of times my friends need a tank but I flip flop between WW and MW all the time because both are usually pretty fun.
The hybrid PvP build for MW has me playing that atm but I’d probably be swapping between WW and MW often in PvE if any of my friends were playing
Ok so I didn’t play SL as current content, but I’ll tell you this from DF and TWW:
Cooldowns need to be managed for easy success. I personally love popping the 4 swiftmend for mini proc on tree because it is super fun with insta-casts on Regrowth. Pop Innervate/Flourish and your group is usually safe for about 30 seconds.
I am typically just a casual player though - I don’t really venture into higher content as anything other than dps most of the time unless with IRL friends.
Let me know if you have any other questions! I enjoy talking about it, Resto Drood doesn’t get much attention it seems.
Yeah, this char. It just flows.
Maybe because it’s the first one but I can never go wrong with mage.
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