You’ve finally woken up to see the carrot your chasing. Welcome back!
What’s the point of tossing a ball around on a field?
It’s a game. It’s also a social activity.
If you don’t enjoy it, then quit.
I lost the passion of killing the raid bosses over the last few expansions. I don’t care if I even clear the raid anymore.
I ask this question about life itself. Beautiful world, fun and interesting, always something going on, always someone new to meet and still, I get bored so what is the point as to why we’re all here?
I don’t ask this question about the game though because I know why I play it and it is essentially a pointless thing to do however, it scratches several itches I get.
Like when I want to spend money on myself but I don’t have enough to justify it, I log on and do that ingame with ingame gold.
If I want a sense of accomplishment for something I can get that here even if it is ultimately silly.
It’s also usually ultimately silly irl too so not much difference.
So to end this long winded rant of mine, all I want to know is why are we all here?
What is the point of our existences? It can’t be just to open doors for cats and dogs.
That’s it. That’s all I want to know.
not everything in the game needs a deeper purpose or explanation. Some things just exist to be enjoyed, or not. The game, at this point, is what it is. You’ve been through enough content and challenges that you should be beyond certain roadblocks by now. Instead of leading raids or grinding, which may no longer be worth the effort or fun for you, it might be better to step back and just join groups that can breeze through content. You seem more like a “been there, done that” kind of player now. So, instead of trying to prove something or push harder, just relax, find groups that can one-shot bosses, and move on without all the hassle.
I think a lot of players who’ve been in the game as long as you have probably reach a similar crossroads at some point. It’s not about walking away entirely, but maybe recalibrating the goals.
Personally the last time I played was BFA season 1 and I’m back again and having some fun. If I stop having fun I leave. It’s simple and perfectly fine and I might leave for a month or years, but I play til it’s not fun or I’ve accomplished whatever goal I set forth.
Heroic mode for the most part to a been there done that player is a joke and I can’t imagine most people getting to queen and not clearing after like a handful of wipes with an equally skilled team. It has basically like 10-12 mechanics and it’s pretty simple to anyone that’s raided mythic.
2 previous mythic clearing tanks 4 previous mythic level healers a splattering likewise dps players is basically who you should be playing with at this point it’s understandable that if your wiping on a boss with essentially no mechanics on heroic that you’d probably say it’s not worth your time. Wouldn’t be worth my time either I got better things to do then wipe to like a boss whose only mechanic is adds essentially.
If I really wanted to play with that group I’d skip a few weeks or so til they have it on farm. My guild for example wiped 52 times last night on heroic and you bet i didn’t log in didn’t even sign up no thank you. I killed queen two weeks ago I’m not dealing with that nonsense. I’ll swing back when they start mythic or maybe after a few weeks when they clear a few of the first bosses mostly for convenience sake.
All you want to know is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything? 42, of course.
But yeah, existentialism, nihilism, religion, and other schools of philosophical thought all have their say. For me, the point is that there is no point. Embrace the absurdity of existence and decide what your unique journey is all about.
For World of Warcraft more specifically, I play because it scratches my goal-setting itch. I get antsy if I don’t feel like I’m working toward a goal, and WoW has an endless supply of little goals to set up and accomplish.
It’s co-op content I can run with my friend(s) w/o having to buy a new game every couple weeks.
That’s about it.
The amount of games I have sitting, rotting away on my Steam list that I bought because people wanted to play Sea of Thieves once or Undercooked once or Sons of the Forest and then literally never ever touch them again is disgusting.
That’s another reason I won’t buy multiplayer games on a whim anymore. Because people with disposable income tricked me into buying a game they never intended on really playing.
I’ve seen deer do that. They must watch from the woods because when everyone is gone but the ball is left behind, I’ve seen them kick the ball into the goal.
I think deer must get bored of their existence, too. At times, perhaps that’s why they watch us and the things we do.
I feel that in my bones.
Sometimes it’s fun to drop a couple bucks on a whacky game and give it a whirl with no expectations… but it gets old when it’s like every time you hang out people wanna buy a new game to play once.
My buddy is still pretty hooked on WoW too, so it’s at least a consistent thing we can do. I still do enjoy running +4’s since they’re not so sweaty that I can’t still laugh when things go south and there is still enough flexibility to carry a couple PUGs kicking and screaming lol.
absolutely, but I did finish an anime where the young, scrappy hero had to deal with ED…
Video games are an experience in life like any other, and if you enjoy and value that experience that is the point. Bonus points if you improve others experiences and they do yours. <3
Just until the next data loss, like with the guild banks on TWW pre patch.
@ topic
I used to raid and never did it for gear or fame, but the people I was with. It was a lot of fun so I guess that was my point in raiding.
When I stopped having fun, as many people left and I just didn´t feel like following a shedule I stopped raiding.
Based on the toxicity in the pug scene, I feel that many keep raiding despite not having fun at all. They just want to get it out of the way for the week and this is in my opinion the wrong approach.
I always do. Of course, I have fun with it, yes. But I do wonder what its point is. I’m not gaining anything from it other than a mount and an achievement. To be honest, I don’t know why I do half of the things I do in this game. It’ll always be the same next season.
I’ve wondered it many times. Enough so that I’ve been contemplating finally completely giving up on it. My old crew was the reason I got into raiding in the first place, and they’re all long gone.
I was a hardcore raider once upon a time , then one day i asked why was i stressing myself out so much over it . I tried going back to it in bfa for Nylotha but i wasnt in love with it anymore. Im slowing coming into the achievements and treasure hunting aspect, delves are fun too messing with brans different abilities and my specs . There really is no point in raiding ther than to see what happens in the story, or you just wanna play with friends or you want the social aspect of the game though .
or orchestrate another pandemic, which actually caused virtually every games’ numbers to go up, cuz, y’know, not being able to go outdoors at all etc
The point is to spend time with my friends and to overcome a challenge with them.
Like many have said, the point is to have fun doing the thing. Enjoying the actual process of progressing your character. If you are only playing to be “at the top”, I hesitate to say you are doing it wrong, but I think you are going to feel empty at the end when the new season starts and the journey continues.
I genuinely feel excitement and fun doing my +9-+11 keys right now. There is no “end point” I am trying to get to. Sure, I have specific things I’d like to achieve, pieces of gear I want, etc. But that gear is go harder in the game I actually enjoy playing. The process of progressing characters and the actual gameplay with friends is fun for me. If that isn’t you, maybe you need to revaluate why you are playing this game.
It seems like many people play for gear rather than gear to play if that makes sense.
Honestly if you’re not having a good time while doing all these things. There is no valid point.
I can’t relate to pugging as I’m one of the fortunate unicorns who never really had to. My circle of friends truly enjoy competing with each other on performance metrics and it drives us all to improve.
That said, I don’t think any of us conflate our real life self worth with accomplishments in a fantasy world online and could easily have the same fun in any similar game.