Depending on what’s inside you, the point is one of:
A) Hang out with people you don’t mind and experiencing achieving a shared goal together.
B) Proving that you’re better than everyone else. The fact that you’re doing it in a silly game about dwarves and elves doesn’t keep you from being awful to everyone else around you.
C) A little of A, a little of B.
It’s OK to get bored of a video game. Recognizing you’re spending your time doing something and watching the world go by … well, that’s the first step towards figuring out what you really want to do. And that’s great!
Learn from the bad, but also learn from the good. Most activities, even in real life, even those that pay real-world money, are in fact almost completely pointless. The question is: what do you get out of it?
D) ???
E) Underpants
If we want to get philosophical, this can be asked of anything. In due time the sun will swell to a red giant and swallow the Earth, obliterating everything mankind has ever worked on. In the distant future all stars will die out, ensuring the extinction of all life in the universe. Everything we know will eventually fade and be lost to time. What’s the point to anything?
For me, I just enjoy spending time with friends and enjoying life in the now.
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It’s not really philosophical to understand that designing your systems to run your game as a mobile game where progression is waiting for your weekly login lootbox is worthless and people will question why they’re even playing anymore.
I used to Mythic raid but while I did enjoy it, I don’t think it was worth the effort at all.
We would ask people to watch a short video on the fights and people would always arrive the next day saying how they didn’t have time to watch a 3min video.
I bet they had time to watch some lewd stuff on tiktok though.
I like M+, quick 30min and you are done and only 5 players in it.
Video games… hopefully the point is fun. If you’re not having fun then don’t do it.
Some day Microsoft, will hit the ‘off’.
Having 5-6 versions of WoW to fluff up the numbers which combined do not even reach SL levels of monthly active users is pretty telling that blizz needs to start making decisions for player enjoyment, wants and needs, or the rest is history.
I enjoy wow combat. Playing with my friends.
i see the risk and reward.
at anything higher then heroic raid i see as " not worth the squeeze ". blood pressure dosnt need that anymore.
As for m+. ksm and im done. no +20’s for me.
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I’m not reading any of that. The point of playing WoW is to have fun. The end.
This is like a wow midlife crisis.
There isnt really an end point besides enjoying the ride. If you’re not enjoying the ride. Time to get off. Its a repeat of getting stronger and stronger vs the content in that season.
Thats the cycle.
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As the saying goes, “Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.”
The journey is what it is, and if you had fun that’s all there is and that’s enough. But I understand where you’re coming from because I came back to WoW after a long break during Dragonflight Season 3, and it was my first experience with this new seasonal vibe. It had me feeling down for a bit because all the gear I had worked for was instantly devalued, and I was feeling a little cynical about the treadmill. Ultimately, I had to decide that it’s what the game is now, and I can’t have my goals in the game be set around having the best gear because I know that’ll just get replaced in the next season.
So it has to be about the content itself and setting other goals like maybe playing a new class from one season to the next to experience a different perspective, or farming the transmog of the set, or earning mounts or titles that will be a more permanent reward. The point of a video game is to have fun, and for MMORPGs it’s also about socializing, setting goals, and getting lost in the world a bit.
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Getting better at things and overcoming challenges with friends makes dopamine go brrr
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Item level comes and goes but mounts and transmogs are forever.
No, the point should be obvious.
Kill the bosses.
The point is to find to find what you enjoy doing in this virtual world. I stopped chasing ilvl and doing m+ a long time ago. The only raiding I do is LFR, which I enjoy.
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I stopped caring about raid progression a while ago and M+ has always been trash IMO. Now I play this game to collect stuff and waste time. This season my goal is to get all the classes to 600 item level. Delves make this a very reasonable goal and the anniversary event is going to let me level up the last 5 classes I need quickly.
I go into LFR expecting pure chaos. If I see several stacks of determination… I expect even more, lol! And I don’t mind one bit. I like raiding. I would sooner do 20 LFRs that fall apart than a single M+ any day (at least PUGs… with people I know it’s a whole other thing). And the point is the mog and story bits… I start reciting boss dialogue as they try to kill me or NPCs as they taunt them.
And sometimes… just sometimes, you see there are other people who are actually pretty great who play this game too. And watch a bully or two get verbally taken down a notch or two. Good times!
The point is to play and forget about the real life stuff you have to deal with for a bit. Like all forms of entertainment. And mog, which is entertaining in its own way.
Oh god to each their own but how does anyone enjoy LFR?
What’s the appeal? Every time I go in there half the raid is afk or hits boss and “accidentally” fall off the platform or stand in fire so they can die and go afk.
The bosses aren’t actually challenging either, although occasionally one will sneak through that requires people to actually do 1 mechanic and inevitably every raid gets stuck building determination stacks lol.
How anyone could prefer this to even just chillin in a casual normal mode guild is beyond me.
It’s way easier with my schedule to just queue as a healer for 2 or 3 bosses when I have time. As a healer I enjoy keeping the newbs alive.
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