Do You Guys Accept Shadowlands As Canon For RP?

Which is weird since you had all sorts of characters popping up in Orobos that probably shouldn’t have been there. I think Ol’ Emma from Stormwind was one of them…

Seems to me that, during the expansion, it wasn’t really closed off from the general public.

As far as the OP’s question goes.

Shadowlands is canon. Just because a story is bad, doesn’t mean it isn’t canon. The world building for Shadowlands is solid, though. Blizzard tends to do a good job with world building, so that’s no surprise. Shadowlands races/factions exist in canon, and I see no reason not to acknowledge them lorewise.

Sure, it might be odd to spot a Venthyr strolling about the Cathedral District, but the player may have a good reason for their character being there. At the end of the day, no one is forcing anyone to RP with anyone else either. If someone hates everything Shadowlands, they can just not acknowledge characters or RP associated with it.

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Just for RP IC reasons, you will never see Herne in the church without some ridiculous pyrotechnics and a lot of repressed pain. Not Undead/Demon levels of Light rash, but just enough that IC I just avoid holy ground in general.

Especially if they have an iron crucifix in there somewhere.

Really? I’m curious about that. I always figured the denizens of Ardenweald weren’t much different than those of the Emerald Dream. I don’t know if a Dryad would be unwelcome on holy ground, but I’d always assumed they’d be fine. I mean, the cleansing of the plaguelands was a combined effort of the Argents and Druids, so I figured the two forces much be fairly compatible.

All of the Shadowlands entities native to it are basically Death equivalents of elementals, they’re made up of Necromantic energy and anima bound together in a physical form, so naturally born Ven’thyr, Ardenweald denizens made there not souls, Bastion’s created Kyrian, etc… all don’t like Light in extremes due to this.

Void also doesn’t mesh well with Death due to being immune and causing souls to be unclaimable, it’s a turf war. Ironically the Shadowlands have a good relationship with their opposite cosmic force because they KNOW they can’t exist without it.

I don’t think the Light innately has an issue with the Shadowlands, though. Revendreth, absolutely they have an issue with. The Shadowlands over all, I don’t think so. I think of characters like Calia, who are a combination of both the Light and Death. In fact, I think there was an Old God whisper that alluded to her in a way.

“The Light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all.”

Given the Void seemed to have an inkling as to what the Jailer was up to, I imagine the meaning of the whisper was that the Light had struck a deal with Death. Calia Menethil is functionally that deal manifest.

Granted that’s a lot of speculation on my part. Either way, always interesting to learn more about Herne.

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I do. I didn’t hate the xpac but I get why most people do. But it happened and no amount of sticking one’s fingers in one’s ears going “lalalalala” doesn’t make it less so.

The only issue with this bit of lore is it’s one of the best examples of this:

It goes against every OTHER example in the lore of Light based resurrection literally bringing people back to life, not to ‘Light undeath’ (eg: TBC Belf paladin quests or Whitemane resurrecting herself multiple times until MoP) and to a lot of people, including me, feels like an asspull to try and stop people from complaining about the dumb way Calia was made a Forsaken.


SL what damaged a lot of troll rp, especially with their loas involved. Ardenweld wasn’t much the issue cause cool, least we know they are being tended. But then they pulled them out that made some of them got hit with a villain bat or was smacked around (Poor Shadra).

It’s gonna be a touchy subject icly, but man it’s gonna be hard to swallow this as canon.


As a RPing my Death Knight. Shadowlands is NEEDED. So yes I do.

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Yes with the entirety of my chest and anyone that doesn’t acknowledge it are cowards.

But it doesn’t mean any of my characters went to the other side.

Yea it most definitely wasn’t hidden from the general public, we had civilians from azeroth wandering around over there.

That said, the expansion was also clearly unfinished, so any plot that was meant to take place as a result of that being the case, was probably cut unfortunately as well.


I didn’t play from early BFA until November, so I’ve decided that this druid has been doing his own thing entirely more or less since BFA, having abandoned his ties to the Alliance after they did nothing about Teldrassil, and thus didn’t go over there and has no in-depth knowledge of it beyond “it happened”.

My other characters are both new Arathi characters so they were uninvolved.

For this character, it is part of his lore and history. Ardenweald is where he fell in love with his husband, and they did some things to help the Wild Hunt.

Their wedding rings are made of phaedrum, they have matching necklaces of culex wood. They have physical ties to Ardenweald that they still carry with them to this day.

Now, they probably weren’t aware of -everything- that went on, but it’s undeniably a big part of their story.

I mean, it happened, so yes.

Lore wise this is what the Pook knows. A dead elf lady broke a guy’s magic hat and then the King of the Long-Leggedies went to jail.

At least that’s what I’ve heard about it. I dunno. Long-Leggedies have Long-Leggedy problems and the Pook has Pook problems.

Dang! They still have Orange Julius? That takes me waaay back to the days of hanging out at the mall on Friday nights. First the food court for a slice of Sbarro’s pizza, then an Orange Julius on our way to the arcade. Then a movie and back to close the arcade before heading home.

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nods in Gen-X

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Flashes a Ramones t-shirt

:musical_note: ”I wanna be sedated.” :musical_note:

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