Do you feel safe on these forums?

They really are.

…I want a clacky keyboard. I mean, my keyboard is kind of loud I guess but I don’t know. It’s not quite …enough. Rubs chin Ahh well, I need a new keyboard anyway and it probably won’t be clacky so I’ll just deal!

I did a typing test once and after a few attempts got to 70 wpm in that test so …yeah. Guess I’m usually a pretty fast typer too!

I like my Ornata. It’s like half-clacky I guess

When I am Ruler you will all be given as clacky a keyboard as you desire.

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Make Logitech make the G510 again. I’m sick of buying them refurbished.

When i am king.

Something has gone horrifically wrong please send help.


I am out of likes. Again.

You could try a mechanical keyboard? I wouldn’t call it ‘clacky’, but it might fill the role you want. I’d get one myself, if not for the whole… y’know, laptop thing. I guess if this laptops keyboard ever decides to go bottoms up, I can always get an external one, but it seems a bit of a clunky solution considering… well, laptop.

I didn’t know inattentive ADHD was a thing. I’m generally high energy and I always attributed fast thinking to being part of the same thing. I know I’m always the first person to finish a test and proof it in school - I have to proof because in math, I’m likely to miss something (not so much in other subjects).

I don’t do the ‘um’ thing a lot. What I do is start to say something, and in the middle of it, some tangent/segue thought happens, and then another. I stop paying attention to what I’m saying to hear the thoughts through and just sit there for a good 10 seconds or so in silence, trying to backtrack. Sometimes what I’m saying is just gone. If I’m lucky, I’ve managed to keep a key word in my head despite the thoughts, so I can get back on track. Usually, I’m not that lucky :stuck_out_tongue:

I also have to not have web sites or Facebook open if I’m having a conversation because the minute my eyes connect with the writing, my half of the conversation is over :frowning:

I’m 200% better in writing, though. I think it forces my brain to slow down, if I had to guess - plus I can go back and edit. I’ve never had issues in school, probably due to this.

This was the reason I didn’t get diagnosed until adulthood, actually. I did fine in school; I test well. I’m pretty fidgety, but not disruptive. But inattentive type is totally a thing. Tends to be more prevalent in women, as I understand it?

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Makes sense.

I was disruptive in class when I was little, but by the time I was around 11-12, I had enough coping mechanisms so I didn’t talk as much in class or interrupt conversations, and other fun stuff like that. My schoolwork was always good, so it probably never occurred to anyone that I was anything but a rude, bratty child.

I think inattentive is more predominant in girls but not exclusive. I watched a Canadian educational tv thing on it and it talks about inattentive surfacing in people in their 30s. Basically it’s harder to detect and people compensate for it until the stress and responsibilities get to be so much they just can’t anymore.

There also seems to be a thing where people who are smart (IQ 135+) both mask it and perform better than folks who are more average but not as well as those unaffected. People at 135+ also deal with executive function problems and stimulants help.

For me, I have executive function problems. When I’m not on stimulants, it feels like my skin weighs a thousand pounds and it takes an incredible effort to move myself to do anything. It takes energy to hold my focus. By the time I’m home from lecture I am exhausted. It takes hours of pushing myself to do things I need to do. During the time I’m pushing I’m beating myself up for failing to adult. This results in a depression.

Then the idiot temp psychiatrist is like, “Maybe it’s depression here have an ssri we know has never worked for you. Maybe this time it will work better.” Insert mental image of a flame colored peacock-shaped blob of rage and plumage here.

Your experience with treatment is similar to mine. I was on SSRIs for years, but nothing worked at all until I was finally prescribed a stimulant. Now I’m appalled at how useless I am without them. The depression was a result of an untreated neurological disorder, not the other way around, so treating the depression was actually just treating a symptom and not the disease.

I literally never would’ve known about it if I hadn’t stumbled across an article about how ADD presents differently in women.

God. This is something I constantly do and probably will forever. I cannot stop myself from finishing people’s sentences for them, even if they’re talking fast.

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It’s possible to have both ADHD and depression, or ADHD, depression, and anxiety all at the same time. Sometimes depression can be the cause, so sometimes it could be the symptom. It can be complex.

As a weird behavioral science nerd (I’ve considered a double major) I have done some reading and it seems like all these various brain weasels are related. ADHD seems to be like a trouble with signals in the sympathetic nervous system, the dopamine system. Depression can also be treated by fiddling with reuptake in that system. I’m pretty sure anxiety, too. It might be that they’re all just a cluster of symptoms related to a malfunction that we group together in different ways and call different things. When meds are doled out we’re trying to get that system working right.

I have two explanations of the whole paradoxical stimulants thing for those who are curious as to why: Image your brain is an internet cable, like cat5. It’s old and there’s packet loss problems. You’re having a errors because not all that data is delivered. ADHD meds make your system send more data to compensate. Another example is a laser pointer and a fan. Imagine shining a laser pointer through the blades of a spinny fan. As the ran turns the red dot appears and disappears. When meds are applied, the frequency of the fan blades spinning increases and as it does so the dot flickers less.

… When I chug caffeine before bed and fall asleep like a baby because stimulant.

Yeah, I had to work hard on that. I still do it sometimes, but not all the time.

Also, I don’t do caffeinated drinks anymore (or any type of stimulants). It seems to work ok for me. A lot of my family smokes and drinks coffee and pop like crazy, and it makes them on edge a lot. They also tend to have shaky hands. I’d rather avoid that.

I think I need to do another caffeine withdrawal. At least once a year I cut myself off until the headaches go away and then start with low-caffeine stuff like tea and decaf coffee. I’ve reached the point again where the stimulant effect isn’t kicking in after two liters of Mountain Dew, and I should probably quit before the chest pains start.

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You know, you can probably cut caffeine drinks out entirely and take over the counter sustained release caffeine pills.

Probably better for health overall. Much less sugar.

Just inject the soda and caffeine into my veins until it kills me.


Withdrawal headaches are far too unbearable for me, but I only need one cup of tea to hold them at bay so I figure it’s not an issue.

The diminishing returns on energy drinks was really disappointing by comparison. I’ll never have anything as good as that first Red Bull.

Energy drinks are a scam. They have less caffeine by volume than coffee, and a bunch of sugar and chemicals besides. You want a boost, do your body a favor and have a cup of joe so you at least get antioxidants instead of carcinogens.