Do you consider yourself Horde, Alliance or both?

As a player, I play Alliance the most. Have Horde characters but really don’t like the Horde aesthetic.

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Alliance only. However, if they were to add skeletal customizations to the Forsaken, I might switch allegiances. I just want to play a skeleton warrior, not a zombie. :frowning:

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Both… I love both factions for different reasons. I was purely Alliance for years… but now the game feels so much bigger playing both sides.

Though it makes for some uncomfortable moments in Dalaran when I try to use the wrong faction’s portal…


I play both factions but mostly Alliance only because I hate Orgimmar with a passion. I like most all of the Alliance races but on the Horde side I only like Blood Elf, Undead, and Nightborn.

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I mainly play Alliance so I’m alliance. Just too many lore head-cannon stuff going on for me to do both. - I do have horde characters though


Huh, and here I thought the Nightborne, got out of their bubble.

There are no numbers on it. Only I’m not claiming any most of anyone is for anything. That was you.

Neither, factions are dumb.


Completely agree.


Both. I like both sides. I like alliance a bit more at the moment.


Both factions have at least one or two races I like so I play both. But, because I’m a collector and Heritage Armor is a thing… I have at least one alt of each race.

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Mood. lol

Alliance only, just to offset He Who Shall Not Be Named.

Not really, cause he’s in charge of the game and literally has no idea what a third of his paying customers experience.

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Both. I hate playing a game and knowing only half of the story. Like being on my human Paladin at the start of Legion and watching Sylvanas withdraw her forces, and being so P.O.'d I almost got myself killed by Krosus. Then I did the same run on my BElf hunter and found out WHY Sylvanas withdrew, and it was a sound, logical, tactically-smart decision. Live to fight another day. Losing an Alliance leader vs losing an entire assault force is a no-brainer.

If I only played one side I would be missing key elements and knowledge of what’s going on in the game.

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Neither. I’m a night elf and I don’t give a damn about whose mom killed whom.

I am trying to apply for Azmerlothian citizenship but the conversations are complicated.


Me too, If my character was actually any faction it wouldn’t be ally or horde. I’d be kirin tor


I consider myself as the president of Alexstrasza’s Fan Club.

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Horde, first and last and always

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I play world of warcraft, not hordecraft, not alliancecraft. Why would I deny myself half of the games experiences?

Play both or you’re missing out.


Death to the Horde!

Alliance for life, since 2004.

No one cares for the Petting Zoo Army.

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