Do you consider yourself Horde, Alliance or both?

Closet Horde. I would be Horde if Draenei could be.


These man’ari ones could’ve been easily Horde. Maybe someday?

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Neither. I’m an adventurer that just happened to require their sponsorship, but if the option was there (and feasible) I’d drop my faction allegiance in a heartbeat.


I rarely if ever play Horde
 Only if I’m looking for story differences.

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Alliance 100%, I have horde toons but I will always be Alliance.

I would never burn down a tree or live in a poop hut.


This is the way

Agreed. I prefer the individual races much more than the two factions.


I’m Alliance, always have been. That being said I’m so very glad that the “We’re putting the WAR back in Warcraft” days have passed. I like the more unified front. Heck, if I could I’d love to grind faction with the Horde races and visit their cities.


I am constantly running to the wrong portal and wondering why the Flightmaster wants to beat my butt to paste.


My main 3-5 alts I tend to level through all the things are alliance, unless there is a story difference for horde, then I’ll play a few of those as well. Overall though I tend to just play my alliance characters the most, but I like a lot of my horde alts. I’ll never understand people that only play one faction or even just one or two characters ever, with so many options. That’s just me though
and I only speak for myself and never knock what anyone else wants to do in a game.

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I’m Nightborne. Everything else is secondary.


Early in the game, I identified more with my home server 1st, then faction (and PvP rank), then guild (and guild rank), then class, then level.

Then of course many of those lines blurred as people changed servers, factions, guilds, races, etc.

But yeah, at first I suppose I might have thought of myself as a Illidanian or Tichondrian or Shadowmoon

But now its an Azerothean Warcrafter :slight_smile:

That’s the modern game, anyway. But when I play HC Classic or SOD, I’m right back to identifying with server/faction/guild again.

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My characters are Horde and Alliance. I’m neither.

That’s me running into the wrong base in Ashran. :wink:


Horde until we get Shaman unlocked for all races. Just not a fan of current alliance shaman races.


I consider myself a real person in the real world and not a fantasy character.


When i first started playing i was Horde only but then i wanted the whole story so now i play both. Plus, playing both sides doubles your RP opportunites.

Factions need to go away to be perfectly honest. They serve no purpose for anyone but the tiny number of “faction pride” players.


Horde. I only like Draenei and Night elves on alliance.

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People say this but no one produces numbers on this.

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Pot meet Kettle. The faction pride crowd says the faction conflict is popular with “many” players yet they never seem to be able to provide any proof of it.

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I play both sides with loyalty to neither.

Whatever character they’re playing at the time, otherwise, I’m too busy doing things to care what others consider themselves to be.