Do you believe in the soul?

Maybe we all become turkeys when we die.

Everything counts and I bet 100% of your wardrobe goes against scripture.

So keep on trying with this nonsense I was raised SBC and escaped that crock pile

so far there has been no derogatory remarks, so i dont know what it would be shut down

I had a pro wrestling shirt from a few years back i had to get rid of.

lunaera, we’re anima, get it right…

I’m not sure what I believe but I’m open to the possibility but that book has been the cause of so much misery and war throughout history it doesn’t deserve to be placed on the pedestal it is.


I believe in Chaos.

Lieeeeessssssssssssssssssssss…If you so called belief was true you wouldn’t be online and you wouldn’t have bought it in the first place.

There is a reason it’s called a bible, you are buying bull.

Religious and/or politically driven discussions usually get shut down, both in game and out, because it’s not really related to the game itself. So yeah, it doesn’t need to get ugly for them to nuke a thread from orbit. It usually does get ugly though, and this thread is surprisingly not chaotic by any stretch.

That tracks because I’m 90% turkey as is.

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If you read the book, youd know that it was original sin that is the downfall of the world. Which is why we have war, birthing pains, violence, 9-5 jobs, etc

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Pagans of all sorts have lovely soul lore. Norse and Egyptian are prolly my favorite. There is concern of the soul, it depends what flavor of paganism you roll.


ah true you are probably right

I see it as both


i have a thought that we have a soul. idk what it is but to me i think its energy.

I’m sorry most of the problems in the world can be simplified to my god is better than your god when the big three worship the same god.

Honestly, same here.


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There is only 1 true God and he loves you

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what kind of chaos?
/slowly holds up a warhammer book

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