Do you believe in the soul?

According to some of the darker parts in the book not so much.

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Good question, does this have anything to do with the game? Or is this a random philosophical and religious discussion referring to something in the game which I haven’t seen since half way reading this thread.

I’m happy this isn’t true. Whether we believe in souls or not we can all agree they are star dust too. :sparkling_heart:


That’s a nice history lesson, but it has nothing to do with the actual point I was making, which is that modern Christianity, due to sequential translations akin to running a 10000 word script through Google translate a dozen times, is nowhere close to the Christianity that was purportedly “inspired by God”.

Did you know that homosexuality wasn’t the only form of intimacy* that was frowned upon? According to the original Gospel of Paul, all forms of intimacy, even in marriage, are sinful. On the flip side, there’s a joke I saw a while back where a man who lived a celibate life died, was given access to the whole history of the Gospels in heaven, and discovered that the original word was “celebrate”.

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Ivr literally had to walk my soul back into my body when i die yes we have souls. If not we cant rezz in game

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You had me there in the first half! :sweat_smile:


Who is gonna stop them from cherry picking to suit their agenda? They love that.


Abraham wrestled with the same things you are when he was told to sacrifice his son–his only son–on Mount Moriah

Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.” - Genesis 22:2

Could you imagine, for a moment, the thoughts that were whirling through Abraham’s mind?

"Well how could God do this?
“How could he want me to sacrifice my …”
“How could a loving God, etc. etc. etc.”

But Abrahram remembered the promise God had made to him, that He would make him into a great nation through Isaac. God had told him all this before it went down

So he lead him up to the mountain. To sacrifice him, all the way up until the point where he was actually gonna do it

Because Abraham knew God–he knew God’s heart and he believed Him at His own word
He knew that somehow, someway–something

Then the angel of the LORD cried out

“Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.” - Genesis 22:12

That day he had stopped short of killing his son

But 2000 years later, a different son went up the very same mountain. but this time the axe did not stop.

My opinion, it was a way to keep the peasants in line while also explaining Mother Nature at the time.

“Your crops didn’t fail because of a drought this year. No, you were sacrilegious. It’s all your fault! That will be 3 piddly coins, and don’t make me come back or the wrath of the minister will be upon you!”


Jesus came during one of our gaming conventions , he got first place for cosplay :+1:


I understand this is special and important to you, and thank you for taking the time to reply, but I don’t personally find that story uplifting.

If God is all knowing (I believe he is) then he would not need to test Abraham that way. He would already know that he “fears” him.

As a mother, I find the notion of telling someone they have to kill their child reprehensible, wicked and cruel.

These types of bible stories to me always felt like the projections of hard-hearted men onto their idea of a creator and nothing like what the essence of love and wisdom would actually be.

I appreciate that you are spiritual person and want to help people find peace, but personally, these types of stories are not for me.

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