Do you believe in the soul?

I do believe that’s a city in South Korea.

It’s actually not. I come from a very spiritual family, Asian, obviously and I have seen “miracles” happen from time to time.

We are all energy and connected. You don’t feel it if you haven’t been training or tapped into this but the easiest way to feel these things is to find a professional dowsing rod practician and let yourself stand on the critical spots. After 10-15 secs you start to feel the connection and uneasiness.

Because we are spiritual beings, it is also possible for us to manipulate our present. Everyone knows about the “I was thinking about you and now you contacted me” phenomena, which is just an ability everyone has called manifesting. Prayers and wishes are also manifestations but the more you wish for it, the longer it will take. That’s why people are also able to manipulate their surroundings through their self concept. If someone thinks they are hot, then it will also reflect onto other people.

The soul is energy and cannot “die”, that’s why you sometimes read from people and how they remember parts of their past lives.


Absolutely this!

Although I was raised in an incredibly strict Christian household, I am not religious because the concept of a God that first made you imperfect and then punished you for it never sat right with me. Learning world history and Egyptian and Sumerian mythology and astrology and seeing how thr bible actually ripped off all its stories and characters from other cultures and beliefs was extremely vindicating to learn.

But that does not mean I reject God or spirituality entirely, just the Christian interpretation of it. I couldn’t possibly reject it even if I wanted to. Although “A Candle in the Dark” by Carl Sagan is one of my favourite books (he’s one classy dude) I have been mildly psychic since I was a child and as such have seen and experianced some pretty strange things. Things that can be verified by asking people a few pointed questions and things that cannot be explained with material words in a mortal realm.

My father is also mildly psychic but he believes its okay when he does it because it comes from god, as if he’s a prophet, but when non-Christians do it they get their information from “demons.” Oh dear. Actually, most “psychics”, at least ones charging people money are frauds. You can’t turn it off and on like a light switch.

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I like the concept, but I remain skeptical. My brush with death was a lights out moment. Perhaps I wasn’t gone long enough?

The people that know for sure aren’t talking, this much I know.

I’ve seen enough ghosts through the years to not believe in the soul or some similar concept.

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One day, as a teenager, I was at a friend’s house jamming with my band. As the night went on the phone kept ringing with no one on the other end.

After 3 or so cold calls we took the phone off the wall and put it on the kitchen table. About 5 minutes later it rang 4 or 5 times then stopped while we all stared at it and freaked out.


A friend of mine once told me a story of a Teddy Ruxpin he owned that started talking sans batteries.

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I have an Indian friend who has actually managed to “astral project”, where you leave your body through will. I tried it two or three times but it is too hard for me.

What you have seen are actual phenomena from the first and second dimension (not “2D” or “3D”). According to professional exorcists we live in the third dimension, with lesser beings or deceased humans with regrets, anger and so on in the first and second.

Usually, you have nothing to fear from those. Everything depends on how your mood is. All the talk about showing gratitude and living a happy life is based on your energy and vibration. The lesser it gets, the easier you attract things in your life you don’t like. It’s like a downward spiral and I have been there, but this was also a self concept issue.


Where are all the cavemen ghosts? ive never seen one of those

Why put any effort towards being kind to each other or making life a better place when you can just believe in a soul and an afterlife?

Why put any effort into anything when everything just ends?


To doubt soul is to doubt JAMES BROWN!!! HEEEEEEEEEEYYYY !!! Blasphemy of the most treacherous sort.

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The same reason you do anything else: Big dopamine hits.

More and more people don’t believe in religion and seem to be getting on just fine.

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Ugliest vehicle out there

yes, we are :slightly_smiling_face: :butterfly:

If you read Joseph Campbell’s works you will see how most religions have corresponding beliefs and creation mythos. This isn’t necessarily a ripp-off as it is a combined experience.

I’ve had it happen once by accident, and once on purpose. I would not define this part of ourselves or ghosts as what our soul is. Ego and spirit are one thing, a soul is very different; something inherently part of something bigger in the quantum field - I use this loosely as I can’t use words to describe something that is inherently unexplainable…


Did you know the pyramids in Indonesia built around a dormant volcano were once thought to be only about 2000 years old, have now been dated to be somewhere between 16,000 and 22,000 years old?

That makes them much older than the pyramids of Egypt and places them in the stone age when paleolithic humans were not supposed to have this level of craftsmanship yet.

Why am I pointing this out? “Cavemen” were maybe not as, err… “cavemen-y” as once thought.

Did you know they also found a stone age burial site in south Africa for a non-human species (homonaledi - and why do Christians always ignore other homonids?) who were thought to have too small brains for complex thought. They are basically hobbit sized and lived in trees… but the geometric designs and tending to their dead shows they were in fact complex beings. Not just chest thumping dummies.

Science is hella awesome, but has been wrong about a lot of stuff and we are in such an exciting time as our understanding of things is rapidly changing. I love it! The world is so weird and I’m all here for it!


And I have more respect for those that live a morally just life because they choose to than those that do it out of fear of eternal retribution. But I also think everyone deserves to believe or not believe what they choose because it isn’t mine or anyone else place to say what’s the right way to get through life. Belief only becomes a problem when it is used to persecute and demean those that don’t believe the same.


Oh I have no beef with religion, just when groups use their religion as a shield to harm others, or to force their views onto others via public policy.

Unfortunately, most of them fall into the above.

What most bothers me is when people insist no one would be a good person without book #79, when most people can deduce “I’d rather not be murdered, so I won’t go around murdering people” on their own.


Just some of the people who do that - and unfortunately give all religions a bad rap

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Which is why I’m not religious anymore but still believe in something.