Do you believe in the soul?

Nope we are just a program in a cosmic simulation

Long overdue for a reset.

Thank you. I used to tell my dad, and feel when I was very young: we arenā€™t really here, dad! lol Itā€™s weird because sometimes I still think that.

Also when I was little, up until 5 years old, I saw colors around people. Once I told my mom her colors kept changing, of course at that age assuming everyone else saw the same thing. Omg, my mother, a strict Catholic, told me to never say that again, and never tell anyone, and that it wasnā€™t real. She scared me enough that I never saw them again.

The bible was written and changed by man, and basically comes down to three authorā€™s interpretations. After being Wiccan/Pagan for 20 years of my life and the learning about patriarchy of how the church was established , the millions that died because of being ā€œwitchesā€, how are actual holidays are built around paganism - I really thought at that time the bible was story, poetry, and part history. What I learned, not what I felt - yet. (why I went back to Catholicism.)

But before I digress, too far, yes I agree, our journey here is something - an experience, a learning, something that connects us allā€¦ yes, something

Next question for a follow-up topic should be: Do you believe in aliens? LOL!! :wink:


Iā€™m not here to weigh in on the actual topic at hand, I just find it hysterical that 9-5 jobs were lumped in with the rest.

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Metaphysical things like the soul and the mind are mere superstution!

When I went in for an impacted wisdom tooth removal they put me in power saving mode, not full shut down. That was a a weird experience, like you know they are there and that they are working but you have no concept of pain, time or much memory of it after the fact.


They do the same thing for cataract surgery. The brightest light Iā€™ve ever seen was when they removed my lens. Strangely, I wasnā€™t drawn to it.


Iā€™ve been able to do this occasionally throughout my life. Luckily most of the people this has happened with are open minded enough not to freak out about it.

The universe is too vast to believe the conceit that weā€™re alone in it.


The math is against us being alone. The distance is what makes it appear as if we are, though.


We are stardust, we are golden.
:stars: :sparkles:

There is no proof we have a soul or there is an afterlife.

Addressing only the title ,

Does it really matter what we ā€œbelieveā€ ā€¦ ? If I ā€œbelieveā€ that the sky is green, when in fact itā€™s not, does what I ā€œbelieveā€ change what is real? Perceptions are not necessarily representative of what is. To a blind person, the sky has no color; does that change the real world in any way?

Our perceptions, what we think, what we feel, what we ā€œbelieve,ā€ is irrelevant to anyone and any thing outside of ourselves.

Existential disassociation as a child is so interesting, when my children were little I loved hearing their theories and insights; so in touch with raw spirituality!

I wonder if you could train yourself to see peopleā€™s Auras again? And what does it mean if they change colour?

I used to read my friendā€™s Runes when we were at Catholic School, and my Mum threw my Runes away because she thought they were Satanic! I was just a kid having fun.

And your last question, I answer with a question; if we are Spirits, on a journey of experience, why not surmise that WE are the Aliens; in another World, another Life, another Time? :slight_smile:


Sometimes I still do too - and I still read Tarot for others. :wink:

One of my favorite quotes comes from Carl Saganā€™s Contact :
Ellie Arroway: Because I canā€™t. Iā€¦ had an experienceā€¦ I canā€™t prove it, I canā€™t even explain it, but everything that I know as a human being, everything that I am tells me that it was real! I was given something wonderful, something that changed me foreverā€¦


What is the meaning of life? 42


I love that movie. :heart:


Voyager 1ā€™s pale blue dot photo and Saganā€™s book about the photo really puts oneā€™s existence on this fragile world into persective.


The blending of science and religion is amazingly expressed. One of my top five movies.

In one of threads a few years back: Rate the transmog above you, I answered 42 to one of them because it was so great! The next person after me just put 38 clearly not understanding where that came from lol!!


OMG!! So true!!


And of course uncontrolled masses are always a beneficial thing and never lead to anything bad.

More seriously, I think religion co-evolves with civilization and humans. Weā€™ve selected to desire or submit to a religion because back in the days when cities needed a wall or the city next to you would come along and take all your crops, make you slaves, and then burn your city down, religions gave you a social foundations and mythological truths designed to make sure you had a more organized society that would produce the most farmers and soldiers, which you needed to survive.

Iā€™m still agnostic but these days with all the bizarre things that have come along to fill those religious shaped holes, Iā€™m not nearly as critical of the major organized religions as I used to be.


I didnā€™t even know this was a thing before today. Iā€™ve only read the beginning of the Hitchhikers Guide when I was younger.

ā€œThe answer to this is very simple,ā€ Adams said. ā€œIt was a joke. It had to be a number, an ordinary, smallish number, and I chose that one. Binary representations, base 13, Tibetan monks are all complete nonsense. I sat on my desk, stared in to the garden and thought 42 will do. I typed it out. End of story.ā€


We definitely have soles.