Do you believe in the soul?

And we lived all happily ever after, Amen.

The best priest I ever had was ‘reformed’ self professed gay. Dude had amazing insight. Priests at our church shamed and abused him. He transferred parishes but eventually was bullied out of Catholocism.

But his homily. Whether you were 9 years old or 60 years old. That guy knew how to call your attention to the great mystery of God and love, and link the two.

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you ever been to an orthodox church? like the ones in eastern europe and greece

i don’t even know what to call it or how to describe it in english

they sing, but it’s not a sort of happy singing, nor is it choir singing

it smells of incense, frankincense to be precise, and of old lady

glorious. truly the path to heaven

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I’ve never had the opportunity. I’ve been to Lutheran and Pentecostal masses with friends and was surprised by the similarities and amazed by the differences. I’ve often thought of attending one of the nondenominational churches that have spouted up in my town over the last several years but haven’t quite convinced myself yet.


there is soul dust in the game

soul dust :vulcan_salute:


looks at Varian’s remains

Oh no.

I have been to Orthodox church rites. It’s not entirely different than the traditional latin mass, which a lot of Catholics like. More incense though.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

I was at an orthodox Greek wedding once. I just remembered it was long and they did everything 3 times.

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Baptist is kinda fun. Universal church is a bit wonky.

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Why get married once when you can do it two more times?

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Ugh, Once is enough…

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I feel the joy in this statement.


The one Baptist church where I live is way on the western edge of town. I’m halfway convinced its out there to be as far away from all the bars in town, and there are a lot of bars in town.

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If anybody here is looking for some good sermons, i highly recommend The Bridge Christian radio…

Just a lot of good reading thru the word and you will be blessed by hearing it in addition to reading it

Can google it and listen online Or if you live in the northeast, tune to 106.9 FM

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Yep, we are God’s children after all. :slight_smile:

Go to church it’s really fun to compare the differences in ceremony if you like that sorta thing. I volunteer for salvation army and went to one of their gigs. That was enlightening.

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I’ve seen enough of my friend’s marriages go up in flames with some burning out multiple times to convince me I’m better off staying single.

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I’m not of the faith, but I like how you’re offering to others who are in a way that they can connect on their own time. You seem like good people.


I bet you’re right. Their music and level of celebration is fun though.


this is the only soul i believe in